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"Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.5, написанной на язык..."
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. "Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.5, написанной на язык..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (8), 25-Мрт-19, 08:44 
Да, может. В таком случае кажется разумным задокументировать подобные мысли. Однако, в рекомендуемой к прочтению book вместо них лишь общие слова:

Microkernels are more secure and less prone to crashes than monolithic kernels. This is due to drivers and other abstraction being less privileged, and thus cannot do damage to the system. Furthermore, microkernels are extremely maintainable, due to their small code size, this can potentially reduce the number of bugs in the kernel.

С другой стороны:

The basic design of the kernel/user space separation is fairly similar to genuine Unix-like systems, at this point. The idea is roughly the same: you separate kernel and user space, through strict enforcement by the kernel, which manages memory and other critical resources.

However, we have an advantage: enforced memory and type safety. This is Rust's strong side, a large number of "unexpected bugs" (for example, undefined behavior) are eliminated.

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Выпуск операционной системы Redox OS 0.5, написанной на язык..., opennews, 25-Мрт-19, 08:03  [смотреть все]
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