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"Массовая атака на уязвимые почтовые серверы на основе Exim"
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. "Массовая атака на уязвимые почтовые серверы на основе Exim" +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (12), 14-Июн-19, 10:56 
The Exim binary is normally setuid to root, which means that it gains root privilege (runs as root) when it starts execution. In some special cases (for example, when the daemon is not in use and there are no local deliveries), it may be possible to run Exim setuid to some user other than root. This is discussed in the next section. However, in most installations, root privilege is required for two things:

    To set up a socket connected to the standard SMTP port (25) when initialising the listening daemon. If Exim is run from inetd, this privileged action is not required.

    To be able to change uid and gid in order to read users’ .forward files and perform local deliveries as the receiving user or as specified in the configuration.

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Массовая атака на уязвимые почтовые серверы на основе Exim, opennews, 14-Июн-19, 09:53  [смотреть все]
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