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"Применение метода атаки Rowhammer для создания уникальных идентификаторов"
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. "Применение метода атаки Rowhammer для создания уникальных ид..." +2 +/
Сообщение от n00by (ok), 09-Июл-23, 08:18 
Цитата: "Another risk presented by Centauri is that it could wear out memory modules if it is used to constantly trigger bit flips for fingerprinting."

Судя по постановке вопроса, придётся выяснять, что такое переходные процессы, искать схему ячейки памяти, выполнять расчёты. Проще перевести "could" как "возможно".

Ниже процитирован целиком контекст. Вероятно, исследователи сначала нашли применение - можно использовать для выявления фрода и кардеров - и обрадовались. А потом призадумались, что это дело повсеместно повнедряют под благим предлогом, и принялись в притивовес искать опасности для добропорядочных пользователей.

E. Centauri for fraud detection

Centauri can significantly strengthen fraud detection by
generating fingerprints that can unique identify fraudsters’
devices even among a population of identical devices over a
long period of time. Fraudsters will also find it difficult to alter
or spoof the fingerprints extracted by Centauri, since Centauri
captures fundamental properties of hardware as fingerprints.
However, Centauri’s promise in detecting fraudsters comes
with a non-zero risk to benign users. While triggering bit
flips to extract fingerprints, Centauri could accidentally crash
a user’s device by flipping a sensitive bit reserved for the OS.
In our experience, however, we see that such occurrences are
extremely rate. OS vendors can also help mitigate this concern
by ensuring that memory allocated to the OS does not phys-
ically border around memory allocated to other applications.
Another risk presented by Centauri is that it could wear out
memory modules if it is used to constantly trigger bit flips
for fingerprinting. Centauri’s approach of triggering bit flips
with fewer accesses to aggressors helps mitigate this concern.
Such concerns can also be mitigated by only employing other
fingerprinting techniques for the common cases and sparingly
employing Centauri to only handle the critical cases.

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Применение метода атаки Rowhammer для создания уникальных идентификаторов, opennews, 08-Июл-23, 13:40  [смотреть все]
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