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"Доступен Wayland 1.13"
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. "Доступен Wayland 1.13" +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 22-Фев-17, 19:49 
В иксах нет костылей. Есть расширения. Поскольку Wayland строится на аналогичной модели, то в нем "костыли" тоже будут, не переживай:

The wayland protocol is essentially only about input handling and
buffer management.  The compositor receives input events and forwards
them to the relevant client.  The clients creates buffers and renders
into them and notifies the compositor when it needs to redraw.  The
protocol also handles drag and drop, selections, window management and
other interactions that must go through the compositor.  However, the
protocol does not handle rendering, which is one of the features that
makes wayland so simple.  All clients are expected to handle rendering
themselves, typically through cairo or OpenGL.

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Доступен Wayland 1.13, opennews, 22-Фев-17, 10:01  [смотреть все]
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