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"Помогите с mpd, непонимаю в чем проблема?"
Отправлено Maritanna, 23-Апр-07 11:08 
У меня тоже была такая проблема, сделала вот так:
        load pptp0

        new -i ng0 pptp0 pptp0
        set ipcp ranges
        set iface disable on-demand
        set bundle enable multilink
        set link yes acfcomp protocomp
        set link no pap chap
        set link enable chap
        set link keep-alive 60 180
        set ipcp yes vjcomp
        set ipcp dns
        set pptp self
        set pptp enable incoming
        set pptp disable originate
        set iface enable tcpmssfix
        set bundle enable compression
        set ccp yes mppc
        set ccp yes mpp-e40
        set ccp yes mpp-e128
        set ccp yes mpp-stateless

mpd.links   - скопировала  с работающего сервера все как было
#       MPD links file
# In this file you define the various "links" that comprise
# a bundle. Each link corresponds to a single serial device.
# These are commands that could be typed into the console directly.
# This file should only contain configuration for a link if
# that configuration is specific to that particular link. That
# is, things like device name and bandwidth. Other generic link
# options like LCP parameters belong in "mpd.conf".
# The first command for each link should be "set link type ..."
# $Id: mpd.links.sample,v 2004/03/07 14:33:27 mbretter Exp $

# An example of a normal analog modem on COM2. Mpd knows how
# to automatically detect and configure several common modem types.

        set link type modem
        set modem device /dev/cuaa1
        set modem var $DialPrefix "DT"

# An example for Lucent compatible Winmodem (Xircom).
# Set the country code variable $CountryCode.
        set link type modem
        set modem device /dev/cual0
        set modem var $DialPrefix "DT"
        set modem var $SpeakerOff "no"
        # Set the country code setting to France
        #        USA(  1):    b5  (default)
        #        JPN( 81):    00
        #        GBR( 44):    b4
        #        DEU( 49):    42
        #        SWE( 46):    a5
        #        DNK( 45):    31
        #        FIN(358):    3c
        #        NOR( 47):    82
        #        AUT( 43):    0a
        #        CHE( 41):    a6
        #        RUS(  7):    b8
        #        AUS( 61):    09
        #        MYS( 60):    6c
        #        CHN( 86):    26
        #        BEL( 32):    0f
        #        CYP(357):    2d
        #        FRA( 33):    3d
        #        GRC( 30):    46
        #        ISL(354):    52
        #        IRL(353):    57
        #        ISR(972):    58
        #        ITA( 39):    59
        #        LIE(423):    68
        #        LUX(352):    69
        #        NLD( 31):    7b
        #        PRT(351):    8b
        #        ESP( 34):    a0
        set modem var $CountryCode "3d"

# Another example: Motorola Bitsurfer Pro terminal adapter on COM3
# An ISDN terminal adapter is a "modem" as far as mpd is concerned.
# Note that mpd will automatically configure the SPID settings, etc.
# for certain terminal adapters: Bitsurfr's, 3Com Impact IQ,
# Farallon Netopia ISDN modem, Adtran Express XRT.

        set link type modem
        set modem device /dev/cuaa2
        set link latency 1000
        set link bandwidth 92160
        set modem speed 115200
        set modem watch +cd
# ISDN configuration
        set modem var $TA_SwitchType "NI-1"
        set modem var $TA_Dirno1 "2125551212"
        set modem var $TA_Dirno2 "2125551212"
        set modem var $TA_SPID1 "212555121201"
        set modem var $TA_SPID2 "212555121202"
# we want 128K multi-link
        set modem var $TA_Bonding "yes"

# Here is a netgraph example. This would do PPP over a
# synchronous line using the "sr" device driver.

        set link type ng
        set ng node sr0:
        set ng hook rawdata


# For our PPTP server

        set link type pptp
#        set pptp self
#        set pptp enable incoming
#        set pptp disable originate

# For our PPTP VPN connection to

        set link type pptp
        set pptp self
        set pptp peer
        set pptp enable originate incoming outcall

# For our PPPoE connection, using Ethernte interface "fxp1"
# Often the service is ignored. If yours is required, replace
# the "whatever" string with your PPPoE service string.

        set link type pppoe
        set pppoe iface fxp1
        set pppoe service "whatever"
        set pppoe disable incoming
        set pppoe enable originate

# Country specific configuration examples

# Austria ADSL
        set link type pptp
        set pptp peer
        set pptp enable originate outcall

L: 1 C: 1 =====================================================================
#       MPD secrets file
# This file contains login, password pairs, called "secrets".
# Entries are used for authentication in either or both directions,
# as well as telnet console login.
# For example, to use the "MyLogin" secret, use this command:
#       set bundle authname MyLogin
# Each entry may have a third field containing an IP address range
# specifying the allowable address assignments for that # peer.
# NOTE: this file should not be readable by anyone except root!
# $Id: mpd.secret.sample,v 1.1 2001/03/10 06:06:47 archiecobbs Exp $

MyLogin         MyPassword
PeerLogin       PeerPassword
ConsoleLogin    ConsolePassword

username          "pass"

Запускаю /usr/local/sbin/mpd -b

Но возникла новая проблема, понять причины которой я не могу... может кто подскажет.
VPN- соединение устанавливается, все вроде бы работает нормально до того момента, пока пользователь его не закрывает. А вот тут начинаются проблемы, но уже в локальной сети:
При любой попытке выйти в интернет из локалки сервер выдает сообщения:
Apr 20 12:49:25 gw /kernel: arplookup failed: host is not on local network
Apr 20 12:49:58 gw /kernel: arplookup failed: host is not on local network
Apr 20 12:50:55 gw /kernel: arplookup failed: host is not on local network
Apr 20 12:51:00 gw /kernel: arplookup failed: host is not on local network
подключиться к серверу можно только удаленно, через внешний IP или непосредственно с него... ни один локальный адрес соединиться не может. Повлиять на это тоже не получается никоим образом кроме перезагрузки.


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