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"cygwin hylafax"
Отправлено Happy_demon, 28-Янв-08 22:14 
Доброе время! хочу странного. а именно - собрать сабж. Гуру С - откликнитесь! почему не хочет конфигуриться сабж и что сделать, чтобы процесс пошёл?
$ ./configure

Configuring HylaFAX (tm) (aka FlexFAX) 4.4.4.

If configure does the wrong thing, check the file config.log for
information that may help you understand what went wrong.

Reading site-wide parameters from ./
Hmm, looks like a i686-pc-cygwin system.
Using /bin/gcc for a C compiler (set CC to override).
Looks like /bin/gcc supports the -g option.
Using " -g" for C compiler options.
Looks like /bin/gcc has an ANSI C preprocessor.
... but __ANSI_CPP__ is not automatically defined, will compensate.
Looks like /bin/gcc supports the -M option for generating make dependencies
Using /bin/g++ for a C++ compiler (set CXX to override).
Looks like /bin/g++ supports the -g option.
Using " -g" for C++ compiler options.
Looks like /bin/g++ has an ANSI C preprocessor.
... but __ANSI_CPP__ is not automatically defined, will compensate.
Using /bin/make to configure the software.
Using "include file" syntax for Makefiles.
Looks like make supports "sinclude" for conditional includes.
Using /bin/bash to process command scripts.
./configure: line 1467: ./a.out: No such file or directory

Broken C++ handling of global constructors (g++//bin/g++).

Compilation or execution of the following test program failed:

class foo {
    int a;
    foo() { a = -1; }
    int isInitialized() { return a == -1; }
static foo instanceOfFoo;
int main() { return instanceOfFoo.isInitialized() ? 0 : 1; }

This program tests whether or not the C++ compilation support properly
handles global static variables with constructors.  A working C++
compilation environment is expected to arrange that global variables
that have a constructor function (foo::foo() above) be called prior to
the start of main().  HylaFAX will not operate properly if the C++
compilation environment does not correctly implement this.

When using GNU gcc this can sometimes happen if gcc is improperly
configured; consult your local GNU guru/support person for help with
this problem.

Unrecoverable error!  Once you've corrected the problem rerun this script.

User@home ~/hylafax-4.4.4

Заранее спасибо!

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