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Свободный проект iPodhash ищет защиты от Apple в суде, opennews (?), 28-Апр-09, (0) [смотреть все]

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55. "Свободный проект iPodhash ищет защиты от Apple в суде"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 29-Апр-09, 06:32 
>iPhone у меня без джейла, правда я перешёл
>на OS 3.0. А музыку я покупаю в Американском iTunes Store-е,
>через Gift Card-ы.

Sounds like: I'm happy cow! I'm giving milk every day. I'm perfectly happy.

Huh, we've developed digital arts for years in hope to make other people more powerful. Unfortunately, things went wrong. Some weaklings just turned into add-ons to their gadgets rather than use gadgets as their add-ons. Pretty sad to see. Live by your happy lives, stupid cow. But do not forget, that's just illusion of freedom. You're happy until your choice matches Apple choice. When it does not matches, you're declared "Illegal" and should be sued or, better, eliminated. That's how all tyrants behave.

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56. "Свободный проект iPodhash ищет защиты от Apple в суде"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 29-Апр-09, 06:50 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>Huh, we've developed digital arts for years in hope to make other
>people more powerful. Unfortunately, things went wrong. Some weaklings just turned
>into add-ons to their gadgets rather than use gadgets as their
>add-ons. Pretty sad to see. Live by your happy lives, stupid
>cow. But do not forget, that's just illusion of freedom. You're
>happy until your choice matches Apple choice. When it does not
>matches, you're declared "Illegal" and should be sued or, better, eliminated.
>That's how all tyrants behave.

По русски читать умеем, а писать нет? Выпендриваемся? Можно я напишу по русски для Вас? Если вдруг моё мнение разойдётся с Apple, я перестану покупать их девайсы, Вам не кажется это логичным? Если мне не нравится _Лада Калина_ то я не куплю её в жизни и уж тем более не буду пытатся сделать из неё что-то, так и тут. И последний вопрос Вы случаем не маркетолог? А то уж очень похоже по Вашим сладким речам.

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67. "Свободный проект iPodhash ищет защиты от Apple в суде"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 29-Апр-09, 20:43 
>перестану покупать их девайсы, Вам не кажется это логичным?

Absolutely. But there is no warnings that device can't work with software other than iTunes and no warnings about limited OS support. If Apple will widely advertise their lock-ins, no problems. But they "forgot" to advertise that attempt to use iPod under, say, Linux is prohibited under DMCA laws.

>Если мне не нравится _Лада Калина_ то я не куплю её в жизни
>и уж тем более не буду пытатся сделать из неё что-то,

Okay, but someone WILL buy it and will be dissatisfied. Then there will be some backslash. Same goes for iPods or whatever. And that's great since marketing materials do not provide us with weak sides and disadvantages. So independent responses are great. Isn't it? Looks like you do not think so. This proves you're either Apple fan or Apple staff.

>так и тут. И последний вопрос Вы случаем не маркетолог?

Nope, I'm not. I'm really hate "маркетолог"s and Apple ones are worst ;). Or you can consider them as the best ones, if you're working for Apple.

>А то уж очень похоже по Вашим сладким речам.

Nope, I'm just can't figure out WTF I have to buy only in Apple's stores, WTF I only can use Apple's crapware even if I dislike it and WTF Apple allows themselves to behave like gods when it is I am who pays. And given there is no warnings, I have no idea why I have to be happy when Apple declares new rules and enforces lack of choice. They did not warned me about this in their advertisings.

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