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"Мэйнтейнеры проектов GNU выступили против единоличного лидер..."
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. "Мэйнтейнеры проектов GNU выступили против единоличного лидер..." +/
Сообщение от IRASoldier_registered (ok), 08-Окт-19, 20:58 
Прими вечернюю/утреннюю/дневную таблетку и успокойся:

"The whole anti-Microsoft thing was sometimes funny as a joke, but not really. Today, they're actually much friendlier. I talk to Microsoft engineers at various conferences, and I feel like, yes, they have changed, and the engineers are happy."

"And they're like really happy working on Linux. So I completely dismissed all the anti-Microsoft stuff."

"I don't think [it's true that Microsoft has bad intentions]. I mean, there will be tension. But that's true with any company that comes into Linux; they have their own objectives. And they want to do things their way because they have a reason for it"

"Microsoft tends to be mainly about Azure and doing all the stuff to make Linux work well for them."

(с) Линус Торвальдс

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Мэйнтейнеры проектов GNU выступили против единоличного лидер..., opennews, 07-Окт-19, 19:32  [смотреть все]
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