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"Релиз пользовательского окружения LXQt 1.3"
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. "Релиз пользовательского окружения LXQt 1.3" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (90), 16-Апр-23, 13:13 
Если быстро пробежаться по репозиториям lxqt за пару минут можно заметить много изменений:
Ну например вот изменения в qterminal:
Guaranteed correct positioning of the context menu under Wayland.
Fixed a crash in the dropdown mode under Wayland.
Improved UX by opening new terminals in current directory by default.
Corrected typos and the meta-info license.

libfm-qt (от которого зависит pcmanfm-qt):
Changes since the previous version:
Disabling of smooth scrolling is made possible for all views.
Zero-sized files are treated based on their extensions.
"New file" is used as the default name for new files (especially after GLib 2.75.1, that does not treat empty files as text/plain).
Opening of non-executable files that have executable types is fixed.
Problems about adding file extension on saving and pressing ENTER are fixed in LXQt file dialog.
The thumbnail/icon rectangles of list views are fixed (they might not be aligned correctly in previous versions).
Several small fixes and improvements.

Prevent Desktop items from shaking on config changes.
Keep dragged and dropped items together on Desktop as far as possible.
Remove Desktop's drop indicator on leaving Desktop.
Added a title for Desktop (for setting WM rules under some Wayland compositors).
Leave the pixmap cache limit to Qt, to avoid extra CPU usage is rare cases.

Small problems are fixed in the seconds shown by the clock widget.
DOM plugin is enabled by default.
Some code cleanup.

Main changes:
Added support for procps-ng >= 4.0.0.
Used a timer based checking for window manager and tray.
Disabled all crashing calls on Wayland.
Fixed typos.

Это только некоторые компоненты из многих. Неужели этого мало чтобы релизить минорную версию??

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Релиз пользовательского окружения LXQt 1.3, opennews, 15-Апр-23, 21:28  [смотреть все]
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