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. "Сегодня отмечается День свободных документов" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 28-Мрт-12, 13:17 
# axi-cache search works-with-format::odf
22 results found.
Results 1-20:
100% bibus - bibliographic database
100% calibre - e-book converter and library management
100% docbook2odf - XSLT based conversions from docbook to Oasis Open Document (
100% docvert - converts word processor files to HTML
100% khmerconverter - converts between legacy Khmer encodings and Unicode
100% kspread - spreadsheet for the KDE Office Suite
100% kword - word processor for the KDE Office Suite
100% libopenoffice-oodoc-perl - module for working with Open Document Format files
100% libreoffice-core - office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files
100% libwriter2latex-java - Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- library
100% mozilla-libreoffice - office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugin
100% - office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugin
100% okular - universal document viewer
100% ooo-thumbnailer - thumbnailer for documents
100% - Writer/Calc to LaTeX converter extension for LibreOffice
100% pandoc - general markup converter
100% pkpgcounter - computes number of pages or quantity of ink needed to print documents
100% retext - Simple text editor for Markdown and ReStructuredText
100% sisu - documents - structuring, publishing in multiple formats and search
100% trac-odtexport - Export Trac wiki pages as OpenDocument (ODT) files
More terms: openoffice documents opendocument document libreoffice office converter
More tags: works-with::text works-with::spreadsheet use::converting works-with-format::html role::program works-with-format::bib works-with-format::pdf
`axi-cache more' will give more results
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Сегодня отмечается День свободных документов, opennews, 28-Мрт-12, 12:20  [смотреть все]
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