Archive-name: tcl-faq/part1 Posting-Frequency: at least once a quarter Last-modified: January 31, 2002 Version: 8.144 URL: Comp-lang-tcl-archive-name: tcl-faq.part01 For more information concerning Tcl (see "part2"), (see "part3"), (see "part4"), (see "part5"), or (see "part6"). Also (see "bibliography/part1"). Index of questions: I. Origin of comp.lang.tcl, the FAQ information, and to whom do I contact for more information about the FAQ? II. What is Tcl? Tk? Extended Tcl? What is Tcl _not_? III. Do these packages run on my machine? A. Unix B. MacOS C. INTEL DOS-like systems D. VMS E. AmigaDOS F. NeXT G. Other IV. Other than C, What languages can talk to tcl/tk? A. Shell B. C++ C. Modula-3 D. Eiffel E. Ada F. Perl G. Prolog H. Other V. What training material is available? A. Books B. Training courses, etc. C. Time-related seminars, conferences, workshops. VI. Where do I report problems, bugs, or enhancements about Tcl - or - what is comp.lang.tcl? End of FAQ Index ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -I- Origin of comp.lang.tcl, the FAQ information, and to whom do I contact for more information about the FAQ? What is comp.lang.tcl? First, let me assure you what it is not. <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> (and <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce> now) are *NOT* bulletin boards. They are not, innately, mailing lists. Some users may experience the messages in those formats, but these communities of users are what is known as USENET newsgroups. While Dr. John Ousterhout <URL: > was the creator of the original, unmoderated <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>, in the current incarnation, clt (as it is often referenced) has no moderator, no owner, no authority to whom one can appeal when one feels slighted, offended, libeled, etc. On the other hand, there are a group of moderators associated with <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce>, whose job it is to ensure that the postings there remain 'on charter'. What kinds of topics are appropriate for <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>? Good question. The original charter stated: It will be an unmoderated forum for the discussion of the Tcl programming language and tools that include it, such as Expect and the Tk toolkit for X-Windows. Thus, discussing Tcl, extensions and tools that use Tcl, products and design ideas, all can be on topic. The "Welcome to comp.lang.tcl" message <URL:> lays out other useful suggestions. The majority of readers of <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> are access the postings in English, and seem to prefer plain text postings formatted to 78 or less characters per line, as opposed to HTML, Postscript, MIME base64, Macintosh special character sets, etc.. They also prefer to have postings which specify a working email address in the From or Reply-To header (or at least in the body of the msg somewhere). While alternatives to that are certainly possible, you decrease the chance of getting a timely relevant answer by choosing alternatives to these. These rules are not unique to clt, but are the typical USENET netiquette that posters are asked to respect. As an alternative to this, there are the French <URL: news:fr.comp.lang.tcl>, German <URL: news:de.comp.lang.tcl>, and Japanese <URL: news:fj.lang.tcl> equivalents of <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>. Posting of source code is acceptable (and in fact encouraged if you are having problems) if reasonably sized (a few hundred lines); otherwise, <URL:> is an archive which permits users to upload code they wish to share. Posting of binaries (or even HTML attachements) are in general is not looked upon kindly; use of NeoSoft or one of the many free web sites, etc. is a much better alternative. Advertising for books, jobs, software, etc. are acceptable if done with some forethought - frequent 'form letter' postings and announcements are likely to meet with some community resistance. One question that comes up fairly often concerning <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> is 'why isn't it split?'. The newsgroup varies in traffic, but I have seen as many as 45 messages a day (counting current cross postings, etc.) Currently, many have come forward with ideas on how a split could be handled, but no concensus has been reached. Also, no moderators have stepped forward to take over moderation of a split group. During January, 1996, <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce>, a moderated group containing announcements of new software, doc, etc. relating to Tcl, was created. So as of right now, asking to split the newsgroup only adds to the existing traffic, without resolving any problems. Other newsgroup in which you might encounter Tcl discussion are <URL: news:alt.comp.tkdesk>, where discussions about the Tk application TkDesk may take place, <URL: news:comp.unix.sco.programmer> - where discussion about SCO's vtcl (a graphical interface extension based on the Motif library) can be found, <URL:>, which covers discussions about the Tk binding to Perl, and of course, discussions of specific ports of Tcl/Tk/other Tcl-based extensions and programs will frequently be found on the appropriate OS or hardware related newsgroups You can also find discussions regarding Tcl in many of the support newsgroups and mailing lists provided by vendors/authors who are using Tcl in their products. Two examples are the mailing lists for AOL's AOLserver and Tcl/Tk based Instant Messages client TiK (see "part2"), while Vignette has <URL: nntp://> and <URL: nntp://>. The information in this set of FAQs comes from several sources. The primary source of information is the group itself - I spend (much too much) time each month culling through what I feel are some of the best answers, gathering up new information on ports, etc. and adding it here. I also gather new application information and add it as best I can. The next most predominant source of information comes from the authors of the various software packages. Finally, a small amount comes from my personal experiences. You can find my general Tcl FAQs at either <URL:> or <URL:> <URL:>, <URL:>, <URL:>, <URL:>. The commercial use of Tcl FAQ is no longer being maintained. The last copy of it available for ftp can be found at <URL:>, <URL:>, <URL:>. Commercial vendors who write products using Tcl and who would like some visibility in the community can contact the Tcl Core Team <URL:> for ideas. The FAQ containing a series of Tcl-related questions and answers is managed by <URL:> (Joe Moss). See <URL:> or find it at <URL:>. The FAQ containing Tk-related questions and answers is managed by <URL: mailto:jeff at> (Jeffrey Hobbs). You can find it at <URL:>. A bibliography of published material related to Tcl will be managed by <URL:> (Glenn Vanderburg). (See "bibliography/part1") or ftp it at <URL:>. Cameron Laird <URL: > has made available his personal notes on mistakes frequently made by newcomers to Tcl at <URL:> and will update it as time permits. Cameron maintains one of the more unusual FAQ pages as well - the Unanswered Frequently-Asked Questions about Tcl page <URL:>. He has many other useful collections of information on Tcl and Tk. Look over the list by going to <URL:>. FAQs are also available for the Windows port of Tcl <URL:>, Macintosh port <URL:>, and perl/Tk <URL:> <URL:>. A renewal of the effort of converting the FAQs to Japanese has begun. You can find the ongoing updates (currently things are still old) at <URL:>. It is being built by Taguchi Takeshi <URL:> and Oota Toshiya <URL:>. A newsbot has been implemented by Andreas Kupries <URL:> which provides a <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> automated welcome, providing first time posters some introductory remarks and a set of pointers to the FAQs and other common resources. You can see the current version of the mailing by looking at <URL:>. A WWW form to submit entries to the Tcl/Tk software catalog is available at <URL:>. This provides you an interface not only to submit new items, but to submit updates or to browse the catalog as needed. A sort of "Who's Who in the Tcl Community" directory has been created - see <URL:> for the current information. Be sure to submit your own information. If you have corrections, enhancements, modifications, clarifications, suggestions, ideas, new questions, new answers to questions which have never been asked, or something else that I have not covered above, contact me at <URL:>. ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -II- What is Tcl? Tk? Extended Tcl? What is Tcl _not_? o Highlights of Tcl based languages Tcl and Tk originated with Dr. John Ousterhout (OH'-stir-howt) while teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, California. A quip about the pronunciation of Dr. O's last name from <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> pundit <URL:> Jay Sekora: > `It's pronounced Oh-stir-howt > without a doubt! > Not Oh-stir-hoot; > he's not a brute.' A Brief History of Tcl-ing See <URL:> for more details! Dr. Ousterhout got the idea for Tcl while on sabbatical leave at DEC's Western Research Laboratory in the fall of 1987. He started actually implementing it when he got back to Berkeley in the spring of 1988; by summer of that year it was in use in some internal applications, but there was no Tk. The first external releases of Tcl were in 1989. Tk implemention began in 1989, and the first release of Tk was in 1991. John joined Sun in their research group in 1994. During April/May, 1997, the Sun research group responsible for Tcl development were spun off into a Sun business group called SunScript. However, things changed again soon afterwards. <URL:> is a copy of the message posted by John Ousterhout regarding the situation as it developed during the Summer of 1997. During August of 1997, a Tcl Consortium was formed. In December of 1999, the Tcl Consortium was disbanded due to lack of participation. During February, 1998, John Ousterhout left Sun to create Scriptics, a company dedicated to scripting tools, applications, and services. He stated at the time that core Tcl and Tk would remain free, with his team continuing work right now on Tcl/Tk. During May, 2000, Scriptics changed their name to Ajuba (a-'joo-ba) Solutions. The intent was to de-emphasis the scripting nature the company previous had and to emphasize the business to business nature towards which the company has moved. During June, 2000, John Ousterhout announced the formation of a Tcl Core Team - a group of 14 key Tcl developers who are to spearhead the coordination of current and future Tcl maintenance and enhancements. See <URL:> for details. This team is NOT intended to be the ones doing all the coding and debugging of Tcl; instead, the community is urged to take part in the process. These fourteen will be the 'project leaders', contributing code when they can, ideas and direction, enthusiasm, and experienced help where needed. John Ousterhout continues as a member of the team, providing guidance and final arbitration if necessary. During October, 2000, Ajuba Solutions announced the intent to merge with Interwoven. The association betweem Tcl and a company run by its creator came to an end as John moves on to Interwoven. Interwoven did open up the source for TclPro and made the product free, as well as for a time provided resources to keep the Tcl Developer's Xchange going. Then, during late February, 2001, ActiveState announced the hiring of Jeff Hobbs and Andreas Kupries, and the intention to make ActiveTcl another of their stable of supported scripting languages. On April 23, 1998 the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) <URL:> awarded the 1997 Software System Award to John Ousterhout and Scriptics. This is awarded to an institution or individual(s) recognized for developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both. The Software System Award carries a prize of $10,000. Financial support for the Software System Award is provided by IBM. See <URL:> for the others who have won this award. In September of 1998, Scriptics announced the availability of TclPro, a suite of developer tools and the Tcl Consortium announced Tcl-Blast! - a CD-ROM containing Tcl and extension source code as well as binaries for a number of platforms. With the demise of the Tcl Consortium and Ajuba Solutions I don't know where one would go to find the (Tcl 8.0.5 based) Tcl-Blast! CD-ROM. Another bit of Tcl trivia has to do with sites where you find Tcl and user contributed software. In the beginning, John created the heavens and the earth... no, that's not right. In the beginning, the Tcl and later the Tk source were available on an ftp site at Berkeley. As user contributed software began to appear, some kind people at Purdue graciously volunteered some disk space. Later, when John left Berkeley for Sun, the core Tcl and Tk software (source code, etc.) moved from Berkeley to Sun. Then, when Purdue no longer had resources to support the archive, it moved to Alcatel. Eventually, that archive was moved to Neosoft's <URL:> archive. But what _is_ Tcl? Tcl (current release version 8.3.4) stands for ``tool command language'' and is pronounced ``tickle.'' The home download site for the Tcl source code is <URL:>. For brave souls, web access to the individual modules is provided via <URL: > and its CVS respository, where the latest and greatest patches and improvements can be found. Tcl is actually two things: a language and a library. First, Tcl is a simple textual language, intended primarily for issuing commands to interactive programs such as text editors, debuggers, illustrators, and shells. It has a simple syntax and is also programmable, so Tcl users can write command procedures to provide more powerful commands than those in the built-in set. Second, Tcl is a library package that can be embedded in application programs. The Tcl library consists of a parser for the Tcl language, routines to implement the Tcl built-in commands, and procedures that allow each application to extend Tcl with additional commands specific to that application. The application program generates Tcl commands and passes them to the Tcl parser for execution. Commands may be generated by reading characters from an input source, or by associating command strings with elements of the application's user interface, such as menu entries, buttons, or keystrokes. When the Tcl library receives commands it parses them into component fields and executes built-in commands directly. For commands implemented by the application, Tcl calls back to the application to execute the commands. In many cases commands will invoke recursive invocations of the Tcl interpreter by passing in additional strings to execute (procedures, looping commands, and conditional commands all work in this way). An application program gains several advantages by using Tcl for its command language. First, Tcl provides a standard syntax: once users know Tcl, they will be able to issue commands easily to any Tcl-based application. Second, Tcl provides programmability. All a Tcl application needs to do is to implement a few application-specific low-level commands. Tcl provides many utility commands plus a general programming interface for building up complex command procedures. By using Tcl, applications need not re-implement these features. Third, extensions to Tcl, such as the Tk toolkit, provide mechanisms for communicating between applications by sending Tcl commands back and forth. The common Tcl language framework makes it easier for applications to communicate with one another. Note that Tcl was designed with the philosophy that one should actually use two or more languages when designing large software systems. One for manipulating complex internal data structures, or where performance is key, and another, such as Tcl, for writing smallish scripts that tie together the other pieces, providing hooks for the user to extend. For the Tcl script writer, ease of learning, ease of programming and ease of gluing are more important than performance or facilities for complex data structures and algorithms. Tcl was designed to make it easy to drop into a lower language when you come across tasks that make more sense at a lower level. In this way, the basic core functionality can remain small and one need only bring along pieces that one particular wants or needs. One answer to "What is Tcl?" can be found at <URL:>. For a white paper written by Dr. Ousterhout discussing scripting languages, and Tcl in particular, see <URL:>. For a 1996 article in SunWorld on the state of Tcl, see <URL:>. Other SunWorld articles have followed. Many times users post to <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> asking about the changes from one release of Tcl to another. One resource of course comes with each source release of Tcl and Tk. A file named "changes" lists a change log of important changes. However, it has been pointed out that this file is not all inclusive. Another commonly referenced resource is <URL:>, which has various release notes available online. In terms of books covering the topic, the book by Brent Welch (see below) covers the topic over several chapters. Tk (current release version 8.3.2) is an extension to Tcl which provides the programmer with an interface to the X11 windowing system. Note that Tk has been successfully compiled under X11 R4, X11 R5, X11 R6, as well as Sun's NeWS/X11 environments. The home download site for this Tk release is <URL:>. Many users will encounter Tcl and Tk via the ``wish'' command. Wish is a simple windowing shell which permits the user to write Tcl/Tk applications in a prototyping environment. Note that one frequently asked question is whether Tcl/Tk can handle Japanese, Chinese, Korean, .... language fonts. As of 8.1, Tcl/Tk supports UniCode. This makes it easier to provide various language support, assuming that the appropriate fonts are available and appropriate care is taken. John also has asked me to mention that information about what is new or changed in each release is now available on the WWW. John writes: > there are now pages containing release notes. The best thing is just to > refer people to my home page, which is: > <URL:> > <URL:> > You might put a notice about this in the FAQ to help people who see > the FAQ after we reorganize. A Tcl/Tk logo and a "Tcl-Powered" logo are now available from John. GIF images in several different sizes are available in the Tk source code distribution's ../library/images/ subdirectory. See the README file in the library/images subdirectory for more details. From time to time, there is concern about the future of Tcl. John has given me permission to include this quote: >From: John Ousterhout <> >Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:00:40 -0800 >My move from Sun to Scriptics will not change the open source nature of >Tcl and Tk. We will continue to develop new releases of both Tcl and >Tk at Scriptics, and we'll release them freely in source form as has >always been the case. The license terms will stay the same. You'll be >able to use Tcl/Tk for anything you wish, including making changes, >selling it, and redistributing it in whole or in part. Extended Tcl (tclX) (current release version 8.2.0) is an extended set of commands for Tcl developed by Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans. The authors' home ftp site for Extended Tcl is <URL:>. Extended Tcl is oriented towards system programming tasks, with many additional interfaces to the Unix operating system as well as other useful utilities. Expect (current release version 5.31) was perhaps the first extension to Tcl written. Its purpose is to ease interaction with applications which normally interact directly with users at a terminal (such as ftp, telnet, etc.). The WWW site for Expect is <URL:>. Expect is oriented towards automating command seuqences commonly typed. One can use Expect with Tk to create graphical interfaces to these commands as well. Expect works with Tcl up through Tcl 8.x. Many other useful (and in some cases essential) extensions also exist. (See "part5") for details. o General information about Tcl and Tk by <URL:> (Glenn Vanderburg) Tcl (Tool command language) is a freely distributable simple, interpreted language designed to be used as a common extension and customization language for applications. It was designed and implemented by Dr. John Ousterhout in the hope that application designers could spend more of their time on applications and less on scripting languages, and in the hope that users could spend less time learning new scripting languages for each new application. Many useful applications, some of them sold commercially, use Tcl as their scripting language. Tcl is clean and regular, and relatively easy for non-hackers to learn. It is command-oriented, and commands added by applications and users exist on an equal footing with the built-in Tcl commands. Tcl has both simple variables and associative arrays (tables), and all values (including procedure bodies) are represented as strings. Simple customization scripts (such as preference initialization scripts) usually look much like novice users expect them to: a series of simple commands which set options. Tcl is implemented as a C library, which can be embedded in an application. The application can add its own commands to the interpreter (using a clean C interface). It is distributed under a license which allows use for any purpose with no royalties. The Tk toolkit is a Tcl extension (a group of new Tcl commands) which provides a Tcl interface to the X Window System. Tk is one of the easiest ways to build a graphical interface to an application, and due to the interpreted nature of Tcl, Tk-based interfaces tend to be much more customizable and dynamic than those built with one of the C- or C++-based toolkits. Tk implements the Motif look and feel. A number of interesting X applications are implemented entirely in Tk, with no new application-specific commands at all. Tk also provides a mechanism by which one application can send Tcl scripts to other Tk-based applications running on the same display, for easy cooperation between tools. Tcl and Tk are mature, and quite stable, but they are not static: Dr. Ousterhout [...] moved from Berkeley to Sun Microsystems, where his group [pursued] such projects as a commercial-quality Tk graphical interface designer, an on-the-fly Tcl compiler, and Macintosh and Microsoft Windows ports of Tk. John has stated that the copyright status and licensing provisions of Tcl and Tk will not change. ---- As to what Tcl is not - in the context of the discussion in <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>, it is not related directly to the Think C Library (TCL) available on the Mac. Confusingly enough, the language concerned with here _is_ available on the Mac, and someone in fact may have used Think C to compile it there. Just one of those universal 'coincidences' that set the stage for Vogon interstellar highway construction crews. Also, Oracle has a product called Tk2Motif which has nothing to do with Tcl or Tk as we are referring to it. Another 'TCL' that is sometimes encountered has to do with the Pick operating system - again, that is different than the language being discussed. What are some of the most common complaints about Tcl? Well of course the primary complaint is that because it is interpreted and because the data is primarily treated as strings, that programs written in Tcl are slow. Tcl 8.x attempts to address this by doing some degree of compilation as well as permitted additional variable types. There are also complaints frequently about the fact that several of Tcl's behaviors are not intuitive - comments are commands rather than traditional comments, numbers beginning with 0 are octal, proper use of quoting mechanisms, etc. These are covered in the various FAQs. A common question is whether Tcl/Tk/etc. is Year 2000 (Y2K) compliant. The 'official' statement from the creator of the Tcl and Tk core can be found at <URL:>. A statement from one of the <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> readers who has done his own analysis can be found at <URL:>. Information about Y2k compliance of various Tcl based programs or extensions should come from their creators - if the web page for the program or extension doesn't address the issue, email the creator and ask if they would please add such a statement. See The Tcl Wear <URL:> web page for images of some of the Tcl related merchandise that has been seen during the past 5 years. ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -III- Do these packages run on my machine? A. Unix Tcl runs on Sun 3s, 4s, and later models running SunOS 4 and SunOS 5 (Solaris 1.x and 2.x), DECstations running Ultrix, DEC VAXen running Ultrix or BSD, DEC Alphas running OSF/1, 386s running SCO Unix, Xenix, Bell-Tech, all sorts of HPs running HP-UX (even HP Snakes running OSF/1 and HP-UX). Intel [34]86 systems running 386bsd, netbsd, freebsd, BSDI, Solaris 2.x and Linux have Tcl ported. In fact, Tcl/Tk even runs on the Agenda Vr3 Linux powered Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Various CPUs running System V.4 report having ported Tcl. Tcl also appears to be running on Sequent Symmetry running Dynix as well as OSF/1. It also has been reported that Tcl runs fine on IBM RS6000 under AIX 3.x as well as IBM ES/9000 and AIX/ESA. A few problems getting Tcl running under Mt. Xinu Mach have been reported in the past. Tcl also has been ported to Encore 91's running UMAX V (an 88k based System V with BSD extension Unix), as well as to Apollos running BSD/SYSV. Tcl runs on a Cray running Unicos. Someone ported Tcl to a Sony NeWS machine running NEWS-OS 4.2. A Tcl port to a Convex 3220 and 3880 was also reported. Reports have been made of Tcl/Tk/BLT/itcl compiled on a Mac running the latest A/UX. A port to Tenon MachTen 2.1VM, running on a Mac II which was running MacOS System 7.1, has been reported. A port to a Mac running mkLinux has been reported. Tcl also runs on Supermax Motorola/MIPS based multiprocessors under SMOS. LynxOS 2.4.0 and 2.5.0 come with Tcl and expect (but not Tk). LynxOS 2.4.0 comes with Tcl 7.3. I've had a report of Tcl 7.[56] (as well as Tk 4.[12]) being built on LynxOS and Tru64 OS. Tk (being based on Tcl) generally requires X11R4 or better as the only additional software requirement. It runs on any of the above Unix systems with that base of software. It also runs on VMS and OSF/1. Note that SGI is shipping Tcl/Tk, TclMotif, expect, and some other custom extensions along with the OS starting with Irix 6.2. The desktop environment is called Indigo Magic. For information on Tcl/Tk/TclX availability (see "part4"). B. MacOS (See "part2") for details of a Macintosh Tcl Mailing list. From Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1 on, the source code for Tcl and Tk should compile and run on a Macintosh from the original distribution. The following BOF report from MacWorldExpo 1999 mentions support of Tcl being added to MacOS X CR1 <URL:>. Also (see "part4"), the Tcl programs/packages catalog, for the latest port locations and versions. C. INTEL DOS-like systems From Tcl 7.5 on, the source code for Tcl and Tk should compile and run on Windows machines from the original distribution. Steve Furr <URL:> reports getting Tcl ported to QNX without a lot of trouble. He mentions that QNX users who have the beta X should have gotten a CD-ROM update with Tcl and Tk on the CD. A port of Tcl 7.3, except for glob or command pipelines, to OS/2 2.x using C Set++ has been done by <URL:> (Bud Bach). Andreas Stuebinger <URL:> also has done an OS/2 port of Tcl (version unknown). Tcl 7.4 has been ported to OS/2 by Stefano Fornari <URL:> It is available at <URL:>. Illya Vaes <URL:> has ported Tk 4.1 and Tk 4.2 (the Win32 version) to OS/2 Presentation Manager. The ports use the the native PM/GPI calls and the EMX runtime and support OS/2 2.x. They can be downloaded from <URL:> (binaries 4.2), <URL:> (source 4.2). (and from Neosoft). It is reported that Ilya Zakharevich <URL:> is doing something similar, using the Developer's API extensions to directly support most of the Win32 API's under OS/2 Warp with DAX/DAPIE and Fixpack 17 installed and the Open32 manager. Contact them for more details on the progress being made. Versions of Tcl for Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT, OpenNT should all be available or buildable. Also (see "part4"), the Tcl programs/packages catalog, for the latest port locations. D. VMS A port of a variety of versions of Tcl/Tk to VMS have been done by Angel Li <URL:>. The files are at <URL:> and were compressed with the Unix compress command. These were compiled on an Alpha running OpenVMS T6.1. A port of Tcl 6.3 onto VMS 5.5 was done by Wolfgang Kechel <URL:> and Till Imanuel Panzschke. Contact them directly for assistance. Gerald W. Lester <URL:> says the following _should_ work. If you installed the POSIX package on VMS (its free), then you should be able to configure and make tcl. To access tcl you would have to do one of the following: 1) Use the POSIX shell, or 2) do a "psx tcl". Tcl scripts would not execute directly from DCL; to execute a script foo.tcl from DCL you would have to do "psx foo.tcl". DISCLAIMER: I have not built any version of tcl under VMS POSIX, these comments are based on other work I've done with VMS POSIX. <URL:> is a version of Tcl/Tk for VMS built as a sharable library. It includes a dynamic module loading command. Otherwise, it matches the version. Also (see "part4"), the Tcl programs/packages catalog, for the latest port locations. E. AmigaDOS Karl Lehbauer <URL:> has indicated that he started a port of Tcl 3.x to the Amiga. He has a working version, but is no longer working on it. His version uses the Amiga's shared libraries and implements the "send" command. He wrote a MIDI file loader and player as well. Contact him for further details. Ty Sarna <URL:> has ported Tcl 6.x to the Amiga. He says: > I've ported 3.3 and several 6.x versions to the Amiga, and it can be > done in under and hour if you leave out the "Unix" functionality. > However, "Unix" functionality includes things like file I/O! Another Amiga user, <URL:> (Colas Nahaboo), mentioned that using Amiga gcc and the PD X server DaggeX and Xlibs that a port of Tk might be possible. <URL:> (Marco van der Heiden) has completed a port to the Amiga, and suggests Amiga developers contact him by email. <URL:> (Berndt Wulf) reports building Tcl and Tk on an Amiga system running NetBSD1.0b2, using the sources on the Walnut Creek Tcl/Tk CD-ROM. A version of Tcl is apparently available on Fish disk number 447. I do not have information concerning what version of Tcl this is. It is my understanding that the Fish disks are available on many of the Amiga Internet archive sites, one of which is <URL:>. Tcl 7.6 and Tk 4.2 can also be found on the Geek Gadgets CDROM (formerly known as ADE) and on any ADE/Geek Gadgets FTP server along with an X11 server and a complete development kit for unix apps. The main site is <URL:>. This version of Tcl/Tk is not limited in any way (ie. everything should work as the Unix version) and Tcl/Tk 8.0+ should appear soon. Also (see "part4"), the Tcl programs/packages catalog, for the latest port locations. F. NeXT At one time, information about compiling Tcl and Tk were in the FAQs. This info appears to be gone now. Perhaps the configure information compiles out of the box. If not, please forward info to <URL:> and I can add pointers here to you. G. Other A port of Tcl 7 has been done to VxWorks. You can find it at <URL:>, <URL:>, and <URL:> or names similar (if updates have occurred). A diff file that appears to make Tcl 8.x compatible is in this ftp directory. Also Wind River Systems's Tornado development environment includes a tcl interface for VxWorks. A port to GEOS was attempted, but it was found to be difficult to run there (except perhaps under the desktop platform) due to resource limits and constraints. A port of Tcl/Tk and X11R6 to OS-9 has been reported to be done by <URL:> Kei Thomasen. A different port of Tcl/Tk to OS-9 was done by <URL:> Heinz-Juergen Oertel. A port of Tcl 8.0 has been done to BeOS, by Dave Mills <URL:>. See <URL:> for details. A port of Tcl 7.4 to Archimedes RISCOS 3.1 or later was performed by C.T.Stretch <URL:>. A port of Tcl/Tk 8.0.3 with the plus patch applied, as well as Expect 5.28, to OS/390 was reported by Ingo Struewing <URL:> in early 1999. A port of Tcl/Tk to Windows/CE has been mentioned as being in progress at times in the past, but no formal announcement has been made. A port of Tcl/Tk to LinuxCD was reported at least once. No definite work to port Tcl to PalmOS has been reported. Also (see "part4"), the Tcl programs/packages catalog, for the latest port locations. ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -IV- Other than C, what languages can talk to tcl/tk? A. Shell There are a number of interfaces which are shell-like. The first is tclsh, which comes as a sample program implementing a Tcl interpreter as a part of the Tcl distribution. Another is wish, which is a shell-like interface that is a part of the Tk package. Many of the other extensions also build interpreters as well. The tclX extension is an example - it builds an interpreter called tcl as well as one called wishx. B. C++ There is a package called Objectify which can be used to assist one in turning C++ classes into Tcl object types. If you wish to use C++ with Tcl then you must have your main() in a source file that is compiled with a C++ compiler; this will ensure that the necessary C++ pre-main initialization code is executed. You can call tcl and tk routines (or other C code) routines from C++ provided that the function prototypes avoid C++ name mangling by using the C++ linkage specification : extern "C" ... prototype ... Fortunately, tcl.h and tk.h will provide these specifications when compiled with a C++ compiler and so you can just use them directly. You can construct your main using normal tcl and tk routines, or use tkMain.c and tkAppInit.c with minor modifications. Ken Yap's patch, obtainable from <URL:>, is a patch that allows tk 3.6 main.c and other extension routines to be compiled with a C++ compiler. Thanks to Ken Yap <URL:> for this code. C++ functions and static class member functions can be used to create Tcl command using Tcl_CreateCommand in the normal way. Non-static member functions cannot be used so simply, Tcl would have to supply a "this" pointer. SWIG <URL:> is another great resource for using C++ and Tcl. To quote the author: > SWIG is a code development tool created to solve real problems and > make C/C++ programming more enjoyable. Simply stated, SWIG > allows you to integrate common scripting languages such as Tcl, > Perl, Python, and Guile with programs containing collections of > functions written in C or C++. By using an interpreted scripting > language with a C program, you can do a number of cool things like: > Build a powerful interface. > Rapidly prototype new features. > Interactively debug and test your code. > Develop a graphical user interface. > Build C/C++ modules for scripting language applications. > Save lots of time--allowing you to work on the real problem. > Impress your friends. One user notes: > To contrast SWIG with Objectify - SWIG has you prepare a small interface > file that specifies what functions are to be wrapped, rather than adding > macros to your original header file. It also works with C, as well as > C++. C. Modula-3 Norman Ramsey <URL: mailto:elan.uucp!nr> says: A long time back, Eric Muller posted a Modula-3 interface to the C Tcl library. I wrote down a Modula-3/Tcl interface that used Modula-3 types rather than C types, and that used objects to build closures for commands. I wrote part of the implementation but never finished it. I have mailed copies to <URL:>, who asked the question, and I will post them if there seems to be general interest. Also, there is an interface between Tk and Modula-3 that is a part of the Modula-3 archives on <URL:>, and Tcl-DP and Modula-3 have been merged. D. Eiffel <URL:> (Stephan Herrmann) says: ... [the tclish package provides] the marriage of two very different principles by means of combining two programming languages into a hybrid program architecture. There are three classes for the user - tcl interpretor, tk application, and tk window. See <URL:> for details. E. Ada <URL:> (Dennis Heimbigner) introduced an adatcl package which gives Ada programmers access to Tcl interpreters. (See "part4") for details of the package. F. Perl In the past, efforts by Dov Grobgeld <URL:> and Guenther Schreiner <URL:> were made to develop at least 2 Perl 4 to Tcl/Tk interfaces. More effort has occured in the Perl 5 environment, where an extension to allow Perl 5 to directly access the Tcl C API, as well as an extension to allow the ability to do Tk programming without a Tcl interpreter involved at all are available. These packages can be ftp'd from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) - a series of ftp sites which keep the latest and greatest archives of Perl code in sync. See <URL:> for a pointer to CPAN, and follow the links to find the Tcl related Perl packages. G. Prolog The package ProTcl is an interface between Prolog and Tcl/Tk. It works best with ECLiPSe, but the foreign interface of SICStus and Quintus is also provided. The interface is dynamically loaded into a Prolog process and it gives access to Tcl commands and to handling Tk events. It is also possible to call Prolog from Tcl, handle Tk events in Prolog and to pass Prolog variables back to Tcl. See <URL:> for more details. H. Other A module for Python based on Tk is available - more details are available in <URL: news:comp.lang.python> on this front. Tk bindings for the Dylan language are being shipped as a part of CMU's Mindy compiler for Dylan. The Sather language also has a set of classes to bind in Tk/Tcl. Duncan Sinclair <URL:> has details of a hack into wish.c some hooks for a Tk to any language system, and has been using it for communication with functional languages such as Haskell and Lazy ML. A paper, plus sample code, was available by ftp from <URL:>. Unfortunately I've been unable to confirm this is still available. The InterLanguage Unification project is a system that promotes software interoperability via interfaces. It has the ability to allow Common Lisp, ANSI C, C++, Modula 3 to interact and plans to add Python, Tcl, and GNU Emacs-Lisp shortly. Of course the Wafe application environment is designed to make it easier to do X like applications from within several languages using Tk as a basis. There are several interfaces to allow one to interface with SQL though some are specific to a database such as Oracle. There is an interpreter for Silicon Graphics machines for SGI's GL language. There is an interface to WOOL. The GNU language Guile not only has a Scheme backend, but a Tcl one as well. There are at least two interfaces to Tcl for Java. There is a Caml Light interface to Tcl/Tk. There is a commercial product which provides an interface between Objective C and Tcl. There is an interface between Oz and Tcl/Tk. There is a subset of Modula-3 with a Tk binding. There is at least one interface between Scheme and Tk. There is a binding in Gopher for Tcl/Tk. For more details on the above efforts, (see also "part4"). ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -V- What training material is available? Here you can find a brief list of Tcl or Tk related books. I currently only list brief notes about some of the books - unfortunately I removed a lot of info and pointed people over to the Tcl Consortium's site. Now that it is gone, I will be attempting to update my lists to make them more complete. I also list other books they didn't list. Just a note - I currently don't work for any of these. In some cases, someone has contributed the description of their own books. In most cases, I haven't even seen the book that's described - I just am using the information from book catalogs, press releases, etc. Another resource can be found at <URL:> and their resource center. Another source of info regarding Tcl books is <URL:> Finally, encourages readers to submit reviews of books. PLEASE! If you read one of these books and find it good, or bad, place your reviews on this site. If you have a different site you prefer, drop me a line and I will add a mention of that book review site here as well. This way I can attempt to avoid it looking as if I hated or loved some particular book, but instead can leave it to those buying the books to indicate how good or bad a title is. 1. Title: Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries Author: Don Libes <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> This is not your typical programming book. This book discusses programming in the Unix environment in a humorous manner. However, specific solutions to issues are addressed. Separate chapters on Tcl and Expect are covered. 2. Title: Tcl and the Tk Toolkit Author: John K. Ousterhout WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Book supplement: <URL:> The book primarily covers Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6. A German translation of this book, titled _Tcl und Tk_, with the ISBN of 3893197931, is also available. While the book is a good intro to Tcl, its basis on the older Tk makes it difficult to use for some types of Tk development. The tk4.0 porting guide postscript document with a few of the issues. However, there have been many changes since Tk 3, particularly in Tk 8's cross platform environment. 3. Title: X User Tools Author: Linda Mui and Valier Quercia Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates 103A Morris Street Sebastopol, CA US 95472 Publication date: November 1994 ISBN: 1565920198 Pages: 856 Price: 49.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Chapter 30 covers writing tools in Tcl/Tk. Several Tcl and Tk tools are available on the CD-ROM. However, since it is more than 2 years old, it is a rather outdated version of Tcl/Tk. 4. Title: Exploring Expect Subtitle: A Tcl-Based Toolkit for Automating Interactive Applications Author: Don Libes <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> For all of you who thought that the Expect man page was too long and too terse at the same time, this book provides relief. "Exploring Expect" is an introduction and comprehensive tutorial to Expect. Numerous examples are provided and explained, demonstrating how to save you time and money. Example topics include how to write patterns, do signal handling, use Expect as a telnetable daemon, and use Expect with Tk and other Tcl extensions. The book also includes an innovative introduction to Tcl - if you've had trouble using Tcl before, all of a sudden, it will make a lot more sense. And while Exploring Expect concentrates primarily on using Expect with Tcl, programmers attempting to automate interactive programs using C, Perl, Python, or any other language will find this book helpful because many of the concepts underlying Expect-like programming are common to all languages. Exploring Expect remains in the first edition. There have only been a few corrections and updates so they have been easily incorporated in new printings. The last time Don had to make any corrections was in the third printing. Exploring Expect was originally based on Tcl 7.3 and 7.4 alpha. However, the book correctly describes 7.5 as well. Almost all of the recent changes in Tcl were under the cover - which is not the focus of Don's book, so it is still accurate. Interesting story time: Don only needed to make one change in the book when Tcl 7.4 came out of alpha. Tcl 7.4 added checking for overflow which was something his random number generator didn't like. So he changed the constants in the 2nd printing to avoid this problem. Later, Ousterhout got enough grief from people that he later changed it back. So it turned out that Don really hadn't needed to make any changes to the book after all. The book was also based on Tk 3.6 and Tk 4 alpha. Don's book doesn't go into enough depth on Tk that this really matters - in fact, he only needed to mention a difference between Tk 3 and Tk 4 at one point. So the text is still accurate. He does, however, have a lot of real code and some of the Tk examples no longer work quite right because of the way bind changed. However, all of those examples come with the Expect tar file and they are Tk4-ized, so it shouldn't be a significant problem. The text describing the examples is still correct. Note that a new version of Expect is in testing for Tcl 8.0. To get it, check on the WWW home page for the beta version of Expect. The WWW home for Expect is <URL:>. 5. Title: How to Manage Your Network Using SNMP Subtitle: The Networking Management Practicum Authors: Marshall T. Rose <URL:> Keith McCloghrie Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: January 1995 ISBN: 0131415174 Pages: Price: 52.00 US _How to Manage your Network..." describes a Tcl-based SNMP API, and contains several example programs. 6. Title: MH and xmh Subtitle: E-mail for users and programmers, Third edition Author: Jerry Peek Publisher: O'REILLY AND ASSOCIATES Publication date: April 1995 ISBN: 1565920937 Pages: 782 Price: 34.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Besides the obvious also covered the Tk application exmh. According to the publisher, this product has been discontinued. 7. Title: Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, Third edition Author: Brent Welch <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Book's table of contents: <URL:> This updated edition describes Tcl / Tk 8.2.1. Along with the material from the first two editions, it also covers the tcl web server, building tcl and extensions such as tk, etc. from the source, internationalization, the new regular expressions, the plugin and a great section describing the changes from Tcl 7.4 to 8.2 and even the proposed changes for 8.3 (and Tk as well). Also note that Prentice Hall is advertising the following as a companion product: Title: Tcl/Tk Multimedia Cyber Classroom Authors: Brent B. Welch Dave Zeltserman Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0139593470 Price: 49.95 US 100% interactive training course on CD-ROM. 3 hours of audio explanations of key Tcl/Tk concepts and interactive exercises. Runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Solaris. NOTE: A third edition ins expected in Fall of 1999. 8. Title: UNIX Test Tools and Benchmarks Subtitle: Methods and Tools to Design, Develop, and Execute Functional, Structural Reliability, and Regression Tests, 1/e Author: Rodney C. Wilson WWW book information: <URL:> This book covers in-depth discussions of state of the art testing strategies, technologies, and benchmarking products. Among the testing tools covered are expect, Tcl, Tk and many others. 10. Title: Tcl and Tk Reference Manual Editors: Donald Barnes, Marc Ewing <URL:>, Erik Troan WWW book information: <URL:> 11. Title: The Visualization Toolkit Subtitle: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics Printing: 2/e Authors: Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, Bill Lorensen WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> The book contains software (written in C++ and Tcl/Tk) and information to assist you in transforming data into 3D graphics. The book covers key algorithms, modeling, and techniques for various types of visualization. The CD-ROM contains 400 megabytes of software, data images, and documentation. The software runs on Unix, Windows 95, and Windows NT. 12. Title: Graphical Applications with Tcl and Tk Author: Eric Foster-Johnson <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> The second edition of this book focuses on creating and debugging cross-platform graphical applications using Tcl/Tk 8.0. Windows and Unix development is covered. The book comes with a CD-ROM containing Tcl/Tk sources, a binary Windows with install program, source code examples from the book and Tcl freeware. 13. Title: Bots and Other Internet Beasties Book/CD Package Author: Joseph Williams WWW book information: <URL:> Book covers internet robots, spiders, worms, and other agents. Covers software written in Tcl/Tk. 14. Title: RedHat Linux Unleashed Book/CD Package Authors: Kamran Husain, Tim Parker, et al. WWW book information: <URL:> Book covers the Linux OS/Environment. This includes Tcl/Tk as well as many other subjects. 15. Title: Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus Author: Glenn Vanderburg WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> This book is primarily a book about advanced Java techniques. However, there's a chapter on the ability to embed a Tcl interpreter into a Java application using a native method library under Unix, as well as info on ways that Tcl might be useful for a Java application. 16. Title: The Visual TCL Handbook, 1/e Author: David Young <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> A comprehensive guide to Visual TCL. This book leads reader from basic graphical user interface development concepts to meaningful application development. The book focuses on the TCLX and VT extensions, addressing many fundamental TCL topics. VT is a Motif based graphical interface, incompatible with Tk. The entire TCL language is documented in a separate Commands section. Comes with a CD-ROM that includes SGI, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and Unixware versions of Visual Tcl. 17. Title: Running LINUX Author: Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman WWW book information: <URL:> Running LINUX deals with Linux administration. Has a chapter on programming using C, C++, Perl, Tcl/Tk. A companion product containing a CD-ROM is available. 18. Title: Understanding OSF DCE 1.1 For AIX and OS/2 Author: Rolf Lendenmann Publisher: PTR Prentice Hall Publication date: August 1996 ISBN: 0134937503 Pages: 312 Price: 36.00 US This book teachs OSF's Distributed Computing Environment. It covers many aspects of DCE and teaches how to create control scripts and RPC programs using Tcl, RPCs, and threads. 19. Title: LINUX Companion Subtitle: The Essential Guide for Users and System Administrators, 1/e Author: Mark F. Komarinski WWW book information: <URL:> LINUX Companion covers a lot of information about Linux. Chapter 11 is the development tools chapter, and gcc, g++, Perl and Tcl/Tk are covered. 20. Title: Beginning Linux Programming Authors: Neil Matthew, Richard Stones WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> Introduction to various types of programming tools. Includes a chapter on programming in Tcl/Tk. Supposedly it will be followed by Instant, Revolutionary, and Master Class editions. Source code supposedly available on WWW. 21. Title: CGI Bible Author: Ed Tittel <URL:> Mark Gaither <URL:> Sebastian Hassinger <URL:> Mike Erwin <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> CGI Bible is a paperback with CD-ROM. It covers HTTP and HTML briefly, SGML and HTML DTDs (and validation), HTML 3.0, CGI (including the various languages which can be used, mentioning Tcl), then proceeds on to the topic of the design of CGI applications (using perl 4 - shudder). 22. Title: Tcl and Tk Reference Card Publisher: Specialized Systems Consultants Publication date: December 1996 ISBN: 0916151808 Pages: Price: 4.50 US WWW book information: <URL:> Tcl cards cover Tcl 7.3. Tk cards cover Tk 4.0. 23. Title: Tcl Reference Card Author: Michael K. Johnson Publisher: Specialized Systems Consultants Publication date: December 1996 ISBN: 0916151867 Pages: Price: 3.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> Tcl cards cover Tcl 7.3. 24. Title: Tk Reference Card Author: Michael K. Johnson Publisher: Specialized Systems Consultants Publication date: December 1996 ISBN: 0916151859 Pages: Price: 3.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> Tk cards cover Tk 4.0. 25. Title: Linux Programming Authors: Patrick Volkerding, Eric Foster-Johnson <URL:>, Kevin Reichard Publisher: M and T Books Publication date: January 1997 ISBN: 1558285075 Pages: Price: 39.96 US WWW book information: This book and CD-ROM covers every major programming tool available for Linux, including Tk. 26. Title: Mastering Regular Expressions Author: Jeffrey Friedl <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> More book information: <URL:> This book explains regular expressions in general, and then covers a number of different tools explaining specialized variations. Tcl is one of the tools covered in its own chapter. 27. Title: Cookbook for Serving the Internet: UNIX Version, 1/e Author: Philip E. Bourne Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR Publication date: February 1997 ISBN: 0135199921 Pages: 336 Price: 29.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Cookbook is intended to help one set up their own UNIX internet information server. Covers where to find the software tools needed, how to design the structure of the information server, how to decide what information to upload, plan the use of graphics, how to write interactive forms, when to do custom programming in Perl or Tcl, etc. I don't know yet how much Tcl is actually mentioned in the book. 28. Title: CGI Developer's Resource: Web Programming in Tcl and Perl Authors: J.M. Ivler <URL:> Kamran Husain WWW book information: <URL:> CGI Developer's Resource is a paperback with a CD-ROM. It contains complete program examples. The write up describes this book as covering a methodology of the analysis, design and coding of enterprise-wide CGI scripts in both Tcl and Perl. All source (over 50 solutions) from the book, as well as valuable programming tools, are contained on the CD-ROM. 29. Title: Tcl/Tk for Dummies (For Dummies) Authors: Timothy Webster, with Alex Francis WWW book information: <URL:> Another one of the series of the paperback programming books. This one focues on the Tcl plugin as a programming environment. The focus here is primarily on Tk. The topic coverage appears to be light. 30. Title: Effective Tcl: Writing Better Programs in Tcl and Tk Author: Mark Harrison <URL:> Michael J. McLennan <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> WWW examples: <URL:> <URL:> Practical information on how to exploit the full potential of Tcl/Tk. 31. Title: Database Backed Web Sites Author: Philip Greenspun <URL:> Publisher: Ziff-Davis Press Publication date: May 1997 ISBN: 1562765302 Pages: Price: 29.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> WWW demo site: <URL:> A book on how to think about your Web publishing philosophy, make money (shudder), and build RDBMS-backed Web sites. This book will contain lots of examples of using the AOLserver, Tcl and RDBMS. 32. Title: Tcl/Tk Tools Editor: Mark Harrison <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> FTP site for examples: <URL:> This is a paperback with source code CD-ROM. The book covers the various Tcl extensions at a snapshot in time - i.e. Tcl 7.6. Extensions such as BLT, ET, expect, GroupKit, [incr Tcl], [incr Tk], [incr Widgets], MTtcl, Oratcl, Sybtcl, TCL-DP, TclX, Tix, TKReplay, Tree, TSIPP are covered. Several other topics, such as info on configuration and debugging Tcl/Tk are also covered. Some of the sources, as well as binaries for Linux and Solaris platforms, appear on the CD-ROM. However, some of the code does not appear on the first edition of the CD-ROM. Watch the ftp location where the missing code will be made available. 33. Title: Mobile Agents: Explanations and Example Authors: William R. Cockayne <URL:> Michael Zyda <URL:> WWW book information: <URL:> Paperback with CD-ROM Book covers the technology to create mobile agents via various mechanisms, including Agent Tcl, Telescript, Ara, Aglest Workbench. Includes software to allow the reader to create and use mobile agents on the internet. 34. Title: The Pattern Recognition Basis of Artificial Intelligence Author: Donald Tveter <URL:> Publisher: IEEE Publication date: August 1997 ISBN: 0818677961 Pages: 350 Price: 46.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book examples: <URL:> An introduction to artificial intelligence. At least one of the software packages described in the book is written in Tcl/Tk and is available for Unix, DOS and Windows 3.x. 35. Title: Interactive Web Applications With Tcl/Tk Authors: Michael Doyle Hattie Schroeder Publisher: AP Incorporated Publication date: February 1998 ISBN: 0122215400 Pages: 600 Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book examples: <URL:> Paperback with CD-ROM. This is a learning by example book, for someone who knows a bit of programming, but is not an expert. It covers developing applets as well as stand-alone applications and simple server applications. The examples have been tested with both Windows and Unix. The book comes with the Spynergy toolkit, which adds a variety of pure Tcl/Tk procedures for distributed processing, URL retrieval, HTML rendering, database management and platform independent file managment, Ed, a Tcl editor and testing environment, an image conversion tool, a demo of Tk features, a client/server version of a rolodex application, a pure Tcl web server, a client/server push application, a tcl web browser, 36. Title: Tcl/Tk Workshop Proceedings Subtitle: NR Edition Publisher: Usenix Assoc. Publication date: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISBN: Pages: Price: varying WWW book information: Usenix prints the proceedings from each year's Tcl/Tk workshop. 37. Title: Professional Java Fundamentals Authors: Shy Cohen Publisher: Wrox Press ISBN: 1861000383 Pages: 500 Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: Describes the shell, unix, terminal and curses environment, a variety of Java issues, and Tcl programming. Why? I have no idea. 38. Title: Effektives Programmieren mit Perl5 Author: Michael Schilling Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 3827310954 Pages: Price: 59,90 DM WWW book information: <URL:> Effective Programming, available only in German, is a book and CD-ROM which covers Perl 5, OO-Perl, Perl/Tk, Perl and the Internet, and more. 39. Title: Cross-Platform Perl Author: Eric F. Johnson <URL:> Publisher: M and T Books <URL:> Publication date: September 1996 ISBN: 155851483X Pages: Price: 34.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> Cross-Platform Perl focuses on writing cross-platform perl applications. Covers Perl on Windows NT and Unix. It also covers Perl/Tk as well as other Perl add-on modules for writing CGI, etc. Comes with a CD-ROM containing the Perl 5.002 source code, a binary version of Perl 5.001 for Windows 95 and Windows NT, sources from the book examples and various Perl freeware. 40. Title: UNIX Programming Tools Author: Eric F. Johnson <URL:> Publisher: M and T Books <URL:> ISBN: 1558514821 Pages: Price: 34.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> This paperback`s focus is teaching one how to use Unix to do programming. However, a discussion of Perl and Tcl as interpreters is present, and the CD-ROM includes Tcl 7.6 and Tk 4.2, as well as many other pieces of software useful when programming on Unix (gcc, Java, LessTif, tkdiff, Cocoon, cxref, Perl 5.003, emacs, tkedit, vim, CVS, gdb/tk and other tools). 41. Title: Linux Configuration and Installation, Second Edition Authors: Patrick Volkerding, Kevin Reichard, and Eric F. Johnson <URL:> Publisher: MIS: Press Publication date: January 1996 ISBN: 1558284923 Pages: Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: Comes with 2 CD-ROMs. Has a brief introduction to Tcl in the section on programming. CD-ROM has Tcl/Tk along with a lot of other tools on it. The CD-ROM was recently updated to include Slackware 3.2. 42. Title: Advanced Perl Programming Author: Sriram Srinivasan Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: August 1997 ISBN: 1565922204 Pages: 434 Price: 34.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> Book examples: <URL:> Advanced Perl covers objects, network programming, databases, and other topics, such as two chapters on Perl/Tk. 43. Title: Programming Python, 2nd Edition Subtitle: Object-Oriented Scripting Author: Mark Lutz <URL:> Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: October 1996 ISBN: 0596000855 Pages: 1256 Price: 54.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> Book (and CD-ROM) covers the use of the Python programming language. The book is full of running examples (all of which come on the CD-ROM). CD-ROM also contains versions of Python for all major UNIX, Windows, Windows NT, and Macintosh platforms. There are a few hundred pages that use python's Tkinter interface to Tk. A second edition, covering Python 2.0, is now available. 44. Title: Web Client Programming with Perl Subtitle: Automating Tasks on the Web Author: Clinton Wong Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: March 1997 ISBN: 156592214X Pages: 228 Price: 29.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Web Client Programming discusses extended your Perl scripting abilities to the WWW. A section on Tk including two or three examples is included. 45. Title: Web Development with TCL/TK 8.1 Subtitle: A Complete Resource for Programmmers and Developers Author: Steven Holzner Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publication date: February 1999 ISBN: 0471327522 Pages: 544 Price: 44.99 US This book focuses exclusively on Web applications. Contains lots of examples, including writing a Web browser, interacting with other languages, writing of Tclets. A web site featuring the source for the examples from the book is available. 46. Title: Programacion en Tcl/Tk Authors: Francisco Ramon Feito Higueruela, Rafael Jesus Segura Sanchez <URL:>, Francisco de Asis Conde Rodriguez, Publisher: Universidad de Jaen (Spain) Publication date: January 1997 ISBN: 8488942966 Pages: Price: WWW book information: The first Tcl/Tk book in Spanish. 47. Title: UNIX Power Tools, Second edition/ Authors: Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, and Mike Loukides Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: August 1997 ISBN: 1565922603 Pages: 1120 Price: 59.95 US This paper back and CD-ROM, covers the best tools for using Unix. The CD-ROM includes a large number of freely distributable software tools, including Tcl. 48. Title: Web TCL Complete Author: Steve Ball <URL:> Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company Publication date: June 1999 ISBN: 007913713X Pages: 500 Price: 49.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Paperback and CD-ROM which includes coverage of Web applications, Tclets, and Tcl/Java interfacing. The CD-ROM features a Tcl plug-in for Netscape browsers, plus Tcl, TclJava, and Jacl code, and a complete channel driver written in Tcl. The book will be covering all aspects of Web programming: from server-side CGI scripting and microscripting through to client-side Tclets and hyperpage scripting, with some general network programming thrown in for good measure. The author plans on including lots of example scripts, but probably not much C code - this is 100% Pure Tcl(TM) - which will provide a coherent collection of applications and libraries. He'll also include examples of code reuse; for server- and client-side processing of forms for example. The web site has online drafts of a number of chapters being written. 49. Title: Building Network Management Tools With Tcl/Tk Subtitle: Authors: Dave Zeltserman and Gerard Puoplo Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: April 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: 0130807273 Pages: 448 Price: 48.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> ??? <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Tools for people responsible for managing or consulting about networks. This book is more about building useful network management applications than it is about Tcl/Tk. Covers TickleMan and Scotty, two Tcl packages that provide access to SNMP. Covers among other things the building of tools to calculate network statistics, a web accessible server, network and status monitoring tools, discovery tool, IP path tracing tool, and RMON2 configuration assistance tools. 50. Title: Tcl & Tk Reference Manual Publisher: Linux Systems Labs Publication date: May 1996 Price: 29.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: 51. Title: Tcl/Tk For Programmers Authors: J Adrian Zimmer <URL:> Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Publication date: 1998 ISBN: 0818685158 Pages: 560 Price: 45.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> The material in Mr. Zimmer's course "Internet Introduction To Tcl/Tk" has been folded into this book. Covers Tcl, Tk, and the C/C++ connection. Both GUI and TCP/IP client programmer are given introductory treatments. Includes over 200 solved exercises which have been tested on both Unix and Windows 95. Author says: Image an elementary text, comprehensive manual and collection of production quality scripts. The approach taken in writing this book lies somewhere between those things. Sample chapters at the WWW book site include short introductions to Tcl, Tk, regular expressions and the plugin. Covers Tcl, Tk and the C/C++ connection. Both GUI and TCP/IP client programming are given introductory treatments. Over 200 solved exercises 52. Title: The Complete TCL/TK Training Course With CDROM Subtitle: Authors: Brent B. Welch and Dave Zeltserman Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: June, 1998 ISBN: 0130807567 Pages: 630 Price: 99.95 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 53. Title: Total SNMP Subtitle: Exploring the Simple Network Management Protocol, 2/e Authors: Sean Harnedy Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: July, 1997 Nth Printing: ISBN: 0136469949 Pages: 672 Price: 55.00 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Covers a variety of SNMP topics. Tcl is just one of many tools mentioned relating to the topic of managing networks. 54. Title: SGML CD, 1/e Subtitle: Authors: Robert DuCharme Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: 0134757408 Pages: 288 Price: 49.95 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: A collection of freeware and shareware tools for SGML users. 55. Title: Perl/Tk Pocket Reference Authors: Steve Lidie Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: October 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: 1565925173 Pages: 112 Price: 9.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Reference guide to the various Perl/Tk widgets. 56. Title: Perl 5 Complete Authors: Ed Peschko, Michele DeWolfe Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication date: 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: 0079136982 Pages: 1083 Price: 49.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This softback book and CD-ROM covers many of the topics one needs to program in Perl 5 under either Unix or Windows NT. A variety of modules are covered, and the final chapter covers programming a GUI spreadsheet in Perl/Tk. 57. Title: Learning Perl/Tk Author: Nancy Walsh <URL:> Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: January 1999 ISBN: 1565923146 Pages: 344 Price: 32.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> This book covers the standard widgets and geometry managers, covers event driven programming, creating a composite widget, snippets of code, and a number of complete program examples. Designed to be read by a new Perl Tk programmer as well as to be used as a reference. 58. Title: Perl from the Ground Up Subtitle: Authors: Michael McMillan Publisher: Osborne Publication date: June 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: 0078824044 Pages: 520 Price: 34.99 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Covers topics from where to get perl thru advanced development of powerful database utility programs. Has a smal section on creating user interfaces with Perl/Tk. 59. Title: TCL/TK Pocket Reference Author: Paul Raines Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: October 1998 ISBN: 1565924983 Pages: 96 Price: 7.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> 60. Title: Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell Authors: Paul Raines, Jeff Tranter Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: March, 1999 ISBN: 1565924339 Pages: 456 Price: 24.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: <URL:> 61. Title: Handbook of Programming Languages, Volume 3 Subtitle: Little Languages and Tools Editor: Peter H. Salus Publisher: Macmillan Technical Publications Publication date: 1998 ISBN: 1578700108 Pages: 685 Price: 50.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> Part of an extensive examination of programming languages, including a chapter on Tcl by Cameron Laird. 62. Title: Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers Author: Clif Flynt <URL:> Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Publication date: December 1998 ISBN: 0122612051 Pages: Price: 45.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> This book is the complete resource for computer professionals from systems analysts to programmers ready to code Tcl programs. It covers Tcl 8.1 and includes a CD-ROM containing the Tcl interpreter, libraries, as well as some electronic tutorials to get started quickly. It also includes some electronic material including case studies and techniques for the advanced user, plus examples from the book. See <URL:> for the softcopy of the Real World chapters from the book. 63. Title: Tcl/Tk Programmer's Reference Author: Christopher Nelson <URL:> Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publication date: October 1999 ISBN: 0072120045 Pages: 560 Price: 19.99 WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: <URL:> Errata: <URL:> This book represents a more technical presentation of Tcl/Tk, adding examples, notes, warnings and explanations to the material from the standard man pages available in the source distribution. 64. Title: Tcl/Tk Unleashed Authors: Red Hat Press Publisher: Sams Publishing Publication date: September 1997 ISBN: 0672311437 Pages: 1100 Price: 49.99 US WWW book information: <URL:> This is a paperback with CD-ROM. 65. Title: [incr Tcl] from the Ground Up Subtitle: The Accelerated Track for Professional Programmers Author: Chad Smith <URL:> Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill Publication date: December, 1999 ISBN: 0072121068 Pages: 600 Price: 27.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Complete reference manual for itcl, as well as covering OO design issues, etc. Covers fundamentas, as well as advanced topics such as overloading, code resuse, multiple inheritance, abstract base classes, performance issues. Also covers itk and the 56 iwidgets. This is a tutorial approach rather than an encyclopedic approach to covering the material. 66. Title: CGI Programming with Tcl Authors: David Maggiano <URL:> Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: December 1999 ISBN: 0201606291 Pages: 608 Price: 44.95 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 67. Title: Mobility Processes, Computers and Agents Authors: Dejan Milojicic Frederick Douglis Richard Wheeler Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: December 1999 ISBN: 0201379287 Pages: 704 Price: WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This book brings together a number of papers written by leading experts in 3 areas of mobility: process migration, mobile computer, and mobile agents. Includes a description of Agent Tcl among other mobile agent programming languages. 68. Title: Network Management Tools Authors: Steve Maxwell Publisher: Computing McGraw-Hill Publication date: March 1999 ISBN: 0079137822 Pages: 512 Price: 39.99 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Book and CDROM covering issues in designing your own network management tools, making use of Expect, Scotty, and more. 69. Title: UNIX Shell Programming Tools Authors: David Medinets Publisher: Computing McGraw-Hill Publication date: February 1999 ISBN: 0079137903 Pages: 568 Price: 39.99 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Book and CDROM covering programming in bash, perl and tcl under Unix. 70. Title: HP-UX Developer's Tool Kit Authors: Kevin E. Leininger Publisher: Computing McGraw-Hill Publication date: August 1995 ISBN: 0079121756 Pages: 473 Price: 44.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Book covers tools for developing on HP-UX. CD-ROM includes many common tools, including Tcl. 71. Title: Sams Teach Yourself Tcl/Tk in 24 Hours Authors: Venkat V. S. S. Sastry, Lakshmi Sastry Publisher: Sams Publication date: November, 1999 ISBN: 0672317494 Pages: 494 Price: 24.99 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Paperback with CD-ROM which contains Tcl, Tk, various extensions, plus all examples. Intro to Tcl and Tk, covering 24 one hour lessons. 72. Title: The Complete TCL and TK Training Course, Student Edition Authors: Brent B. Welch and Dave Zeltserman Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: August, 1998 ISBN: 0130830666 Pages: 630 Price: 71.93 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 73. Title: Tcl for Web Nerds Subtitle: Authors: Hal Abelson Philip Greenspun Lydia Sandon Publisher: Arsdigita Publication date: 2000 Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: 0 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: A book written for MIT students taking a Web service design course, to teach them the fundamentals of using Tcl. Examples are in relationship to Web programming, and make use of the Arsdigita toolset. 74. Title: Linux Unleashed Authors: Tim Parker Publisher: Sams Publication date: 1998 ISBN: 0672313723 Pages: 1114 Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Contains a section on Tcl. 75. Title: Linux: The Complete Reference Authors: Richard Petersen Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publication date: 1998 ISBN: 0078824613 Pages: 1059 Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Contains a section on Tcl, Tk, and SpecTcl. 76. Title: Java 2 Platform Unleashed Authors: Jamie Jaworski Publisher: Sams Publication date: 1999 ISBN: 0672316315 Pages: 1424 Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Contains a Tcl primer, as well as sections on Jacl and Tcl Blend. 77. Title: Dictionary of Networking Authors: Peter Dyson Publisher: Sybex Publication date: 1999 ISBN: 0782124615 Pages: 448 Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 78. Title: Unicode: A Primer Authors: Tony Graham Publisher: M&T Books Publication date: 2000 ISBN: 0764546252 Pages: 475 Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Tcl mentioned (perhaps more than a mention) under programming language support. 79. Title: Exploring Oracle (2000) Authors: Lisa Lenos (ed) Publisher: Element K Press Publication date: 2000 ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Section regarding use of Tcl with OEM as well as a reference in the designed and change manager chapter. 80. Title: The Practice of Programming Subtitle: Authors: Brian W. Kernighan Rob Pike Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: 1999 Nth Printing: ISBN: 020161586X Pages: 267 Price: WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This book focuses on programming issues in general, with code from a variety of languages from C, C++, Java, as well as Tcl and a few other scriptings languages. 81. Title: Managing IMAP Authors: Dianna Mullet Kevin Mullet Publisher: O'Reilly Publication date: 2000 Nth Printing: ISBN: 059600012X Pages: 405 Price: 34.95 US WWW book information: <URL: > Book's examples: <URL: > Errata: <URL: > Covers the concepts and practical experiences of IMAP. The book talks alot about the Cyrus IMAP server, which has Tcl embedded, and includes an appendix covering Tcl. 82. Title: Oracle & Open Source Subtitle: Authors: Andy Duncan Sean Hull Publisher: O'Reilly Publication date: 2001 ISBN: 0596000189 Pages: 424 Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: <URL: > Book's examples: Errata: <URL: > Book covers Oratcl and Perl/Tk interfaces to Oracle. 83. Title: Programming Ruby Authors: David Thomas Andrew Hunt Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: 2000 ISBN: 0201710897 Pages: 608 Price: 42.95 US WWW book information: <URL: > Book's examples: <URL: > Errata: <URL: > Covers Ruby/Tk, which is a derivative of Perl/Tk. xx. Title: Subtitle: Authors: Publisher: Publication date: Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 99. Rumored to be in the works If you can confirm that any of these books are in any way relevant to Tcl and exist I will move them on up to the list above. A. International Thomson Publishing is producing a new series of books called "The Road to ...". One of these will be "The Road to Tcl/Tk". It will be a bit like a travel guide, covering the essentials, hints and tips, with longer worked examples. The author will be passing on the experience gained while writing Tcl/Tk. It will be asssuming Tcl 8.0. B. Title: Computer Vision and Image Processing Subtitle: A Practical Approach Using CVIPTools (BK/CD-ROM), 1/e Authors: Scott E. Umbaugh Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: Nth Printing: ISBN: 0132645998 Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Covers the general topic of image processing, and the specifics of using the CVIP Tools, which include a Tcl shell which has access to all the computer vision image processing tools (which of course are on the CD-ROM). C. Python/Tk book A book that discusses the Python/Tk environment, how to use it to create useful software, doing rapid application development with Python/Tk and other useful libraries, and finally a series of graphically oriented applications is in process. Watch <URL:> for future details. D. Title: Porting to Java Author: New Riders Development Group Publisher: NEW RIDER'S PRESS Publication date: January 1996 ISBN: 1562056026 Pages: Price: 45.00 US WWW book information: The book includes applet converter scripts and covers Tcl/Tk, C, C shell and Perl conversion techniques. It explains usage for each Java class distributed by SUN in the Java Developer's Toolkit. I can't find any specifics on whether this actually was published or not. E. Title: Tcl Author: Kelvin Corocran Publisher: Small Press Distribution Publication date: December 1989 ISBN: 1852980109 Pages: Price: 8.00 US WWW book information: No other information available. F. Title: Tcl and the Tk Toolkit Author: John K. Ousterhout Publisher: Specialized Systems Consultants Publication date: December 1996 ISBN: 9997887492 Pages: Price: WWW book information: No other information available. This may be some sort of deal where John's book was bundled with a reference card or CD-ROM. G. Title: Advanced Programming Language Design Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series Author: Raphael Finkel Publication date: ISBN: 0805311912 Pages: WWW book information: <URL:> Tcl is mentioned once in the Table of Contents under the subject: Homoiconic Use of Strings. H. Title: Perl 5 How-To Authors: Aidan Humphreys, Mike Glover, Ed Weiss Publisher: Waite Group Publication date: June 1996 ISBN: 1571690581 Pages: Price: 49.99 US WWW book information: Contains a chapter on perl/Tk programming. I. Title: Perl 5 Interactive Course Author: Jon Orwant Publisher: Waite Group Publication date: September 1996 ISBN: 1571690646 Pages: Price: 49.99 US WWW book information: Said to include a chapter on perl Tk. J. Title: C++ and C Tools, Utilities, Libraries and Resources, 1/e Author: David Spuler Publisher: Prentice Hall This book covers a variety of tools for developing in C++ and C. In a page written about the book, thanks is given to one person for helping with TCL tips. Until I see the book or hear from someone who has seen it, I have no idea if Tcl is really covered in the book much though. K. Title: Itinerant Agents: Explanations and Examples with CD-ROM Subtitle: Authors: Publisher: Manning Publishing Publication date: 1996 Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This book supposedly covers roaming software agents and uses Agent Tcl as one of the languages. More details are needed. L. Title: Graphical Application Development in Perl/Tk Subtitle: Authors: Charlie Stross Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: late 1998 Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: Author is writing a book on using perl/Tk. M. A number of other Linux related books mention Tcl at least in passing. See for instance Running Linux <URL:> or LINUX System Administration Handbook 1/e from 1998. I've also seen other non-Linux specific books on topics such as web site administration which mention Tcl in passing. While the descriptions of such books mention Tcl, typically, the coverage appears so small that I have not bothered to add them to this list at this time. A recent book mentioned is the Linux Programmer's Reference, by Richard Petersen <URL:>. It covers the various languages available on Linux and includes a quick reference for tcl and tk. Linux in a Nutshell is another of these books. N. Title: Linux Programming in Tcl/Tk Author: Rildo Pragana <URL:> This book will be published in Portuguese. See <URL:> for information. O. Title: Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing Author: Philip Greenspun Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publication date: December 1998 WWW book information: <URL:> This book supercedes Database Backed Web Sites. The book is 50% longer, will have color photos, and covers more up to date topics. Tcl still is featured as one of the major web programming languages. Some readers may be offended by the arguments for Tcl though... P. Title: Tcl/Tk Tools, Second Edition Author: Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Publication date: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Rumor has it that a second edition of this book is being considered. S. Designing the User Interface, Third Editions Subtitle: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series Author: Ben Shneiderman Publication date: 1997 ISBN: 0201694972 Pages: 600 WWW book information: <URL:> Associated with this book is a course syllabus (Cpsc 481: Human Computer Interaction, The University of Calgary) in which Tcl books are recommended reading for the course. Some Tcl/Tk code is also referenced in one of the chapters referenced online (Chapter 5-3). I've not had a chance to look at the book myself. T. Title: C Interfaces and Implementations Subtitle: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series Author: David R. Hanson Publication date: ISBN: 0201498413 Pages: WWW book information: <URL:> Again, there are references to Tcl in the description associated with the book, but I haven't seen the book itself to see if Tcl is used there. U. Advanced Perl/TK Programming Author: Albert Lilley Publication date: 2000 V. Programming Perl/TK Author: Andrew E. Page Publication date: 2000 W. More Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk Author: Kevin B. Kenny Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 013081251X Appears this one has been cancelled X. PERL 5 Developer's Guide Author: Edward S. Peschko and Michele DeWolfe ISBN: 0079136982 Publisher: Computing McGraw-Hill Publication date: 1998 Pages: 1062 Covers Perl/Tk. Other documentation includes: 1. Many people learn Tcl/Tk from reading the 'man' pages. These files, a part of the source code distribution, are mentioned in Dr. Ousterhout's book as 'the reference manual'. If the person who installed Tcl/Tk at your site did a build of the executables and then ran the 'make install' step described in the source code distribution, the man pages are probably installed on your system in a directory. Contact your system adminstrator for more details. Also, (see "part2") for a number of WWW resources which provide additional information about many aspects of Tcl and its extensions. See the other FAQs mentioned in this document for additional help, pointers to software examples, and other resources from which you can draw help. For instance, (see "bibliography/part1") for details of published books, magazine and journal articles, proceedings papers, and thesises relating to the Tcl family of languages. See <URL:> for details of classes offered commercially. 2. For a list of free resources, (see "part3") which has an entry for a variety of resources. 3. Computerized Processes Unlimited has a combined Tcl/Tclx reference manual for sale. See <URL:> for more information. 4. The USENIX Association <URL:> not only sponsors various conferences and workshops of possible interest to the Tcl and Tk communities, but also offers the proceedings from those sessions for sale to members. See <URL:> for an example of just some of the articles that have been published by the USENIX Association. 5. Title: Tcl/Tk Documents Author: J. Ousterhout Publisher: Northside Copy Central 1862 Euclid Berkeley, CA Voice: (510) 849-9600 Price: approx. $15-$20 US WWW book information: 6. Title: Tcl/Tk Reference Author: J. Ousterhout Publisher: Cheap Bytes P.O. Box 2714 Lodi, CA 95241 U.S.A. Pages: 700 Price: 19.00 US WWW book information: <URL:> This contains the complete man pages for Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0, along with two indexes. 7. Title: TCL/TK Author: Na Publisher: Walnut Creek Publication date: December 1994 ISBN: 1571760237 Pages: Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: Book store catalog description only says this is a hardcover, but I suspect it is really a copy of Ousterhout's book with a CD-ROM. 8. The Perl Journal ISBN: 1087903X Price: 18.00 US/year for U.S. delivery 25.00 US/year for foreign delivery, WWW book information: <URL:> The Perl Journal is a quarterly publication devoted to discussing the Perl language and extensions. A regular column on the perl Tk extension has been appearing and is an excellent source of information about the extension. 9. Title: Distributed objects : neural network architecture rendered in Tcl-DP and Tcl widgets Author: Mark A. Stewart Publisher: Thesis (M.S.) University of Alabam at Birmingham Publication date: June 1995 LoC: QA76.27.T41 WWW book information: The topic is computer network architectures and neural networks. 10. Title: Thinking in Java Author: Bruce Eckel Publisher: Prentice-Hall Publication date: 1998 WWW book information: <URL:> In the first chapter, compares Tcl to JavaScript and VBscript. 11. Title: The Quick Python Book Authors: Ken McDonald <URL:> Publisher: Publication date: Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Will contain a chapter on the use of Tk with Python. 12. Title: Tcl/Tk Tutorial Scripting Authors: Gerald Lester Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Publication date: July, 2000 ISBN: 0201379325 Pages: Price: 40.00 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 13. Title: Perl 5 Unleashed Subtitle: OOP, Sockets, Perl/Tk, IPC, 32-Bit Windows Authors: Chip Salzenberg Publisher: Sams Publication date: October, 1996 Nth Printing: Out of Print ISBN: Pages: 798 Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: 14. Title: Introduction to Tkinter Subtitle: Authors: Fredrik Lundh Publisher: Publication date: March, 2000 ISBN: Pages: 2000 Price: Free WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This book only available in electronic form. It provides a brief introduction to the Tkinter user interface library. <URL:> <URL:> 15. Title: PerlMonth WWW book information: <URL:> <URL:> Monthly web magazine which convers perl/Tk along with many other Perl topics. 16. Title: TCL and Expect Programming Made Easy Subtitle: Authors: Shastri Murali Publisher: by author Publication date: 10/1999 ISBN: EB00003158 Pages: 150 Price: $30.00 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: Published in PDF format as eMatter. Readers available initially for Windows with plans during the year 2000 for MacOS and Linux readers. Book takes a cookbook approach to programming in Tcl. 17. Title: Python and Tkinter Programming Authors: John E. Grayson Publisher: Manning Publications Company Publication date: February 2000 ISBN: 1884777813 Pages: 660 Price: 49.95 US WWW book information: <URL:> Book's examples: Errata: This book is intended for Python programmers who need to develop GUI driven applications. The examples should be portable between Windows and Unix. The author states that the examples are larger useful applications rather than smaller code fragments. Other Python extensions are covered as well, so the reader is given an idea of how to use Python to develop more realistic applications. The author expects to cover complex controls, photo-realistic panels, browser/notebook/wizard/image map interfaces, servers and CORBA, and more. Tkinter is fullly documented. 18. Title: Perl/Tk Programming Subtitle: Authors: Andrew L. Johnson Randy Kobes Publisher: Manning Publications Company Publication date: January 2001 ISBN: 1884777937 Pages: 400 Price: 39.95 US WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: xx. Title: Subtitle: Authors: Publisher: Publication date: Nth Printing: ISBN: Pages: Price: WWW book information: Book's examples: Errata: --- B. Training courses, etc. 1. See <URL:> for information about training courses by Computerized Processes Unlimited, NeoSoft Communications Services, and ATT training groups. 2. The first Tcl local users' group has formed in the Dallas Texas area. The group will be known as "Tcl Dallas" or "Tcl'D" for short. "Tcl Dallas" is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the Tcl language along with its many extensions. As a local users group, "Tcl Dallas" supports the regional Tcl developer community by hosting special events and providing a local forum for the discussion of Tcl issues. For further information, see their WWW page at <URL:> (???). 3. An IRC channel dedicated to the discussion of Tcl/Tk has been created. #TCL has been created by Noob Saibot <URL:>. 4. A Tcl user group is being considered in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. It is to be called the Triangle Area Tcl/Tk User Group (TTUG). Krishna Vedati <URL:> is the person who is interested in forming this. Contact Krishna for more details. 5. The Tcl/Tk Journal is a free WWW based publication (ezine) which appears to be starting up in January, 1999. See <URL:> or <URL:> for the ezine, its guidelines for contributions, etc. PLEASE, consider submitting articles to the editor! There is also a mailing list for discussion of the magazine available at <URL: >. 6. A Silicon Valley Tcl Users Group has been created. This is organized similar to one night conferences Contact Jeffrey Hobbs <URL: mailto:jeff at> to express interest and to get more information. 7. The Second European Tcl/Tk Conference <URL: > takes place June 7-8, 2001. Contact Carsten Zerbst <URL:>. --- C. Time-related seminars, conferences, workshops. 1. There have been, in the past, seminars and BOFs/SIGs at Usenix and other conferences taught by John Ousterhout and others on Tcl and Tk. See <URL:> for their current schedule of events. (See also "part2") for the URL to the slides from the most recent of these presentations by John. 2. University of Maryland Baltimore County has been held a course titled CMSC491C - Special Topics in Computer Science - Scripting Languages. This was an introduction to scripting languages with an emphasis on Perl and Tcl, but also mentioning sed, awk, etc. Taught by Bob Tarr. Call (410) 455-2336 (Continuing Education Department) to sign up as a special non-degree candidate. Info provided by <URL:> (Tim Finin). 4. See <URL:> or send mail to <URL:> for details of training conducted by CPU. 5. See <URL:> for details on training from Karl Lehenbauer, one of the co-creators of one of the Tcl/Unix user's favorite extensions - Extended Tcl (TclX)! 6. See <URL:> for information regarding Clif Flynt's availability to provide Tcl training - either introductory or custom sessions. 7. The International Linux Conference and Exposition (LINC) <URL:> is looking for presentations on many areas, including Tcl. Keep an eye on this web site to see whether there will be sessions of interest to the Tcl or Tk community. 8. Beginning January 11, 2000, there was an "Introduction to Tcl/Tk" course offered through UCLA Extension <URL:>. I'm uncertain whether or not this continues to be offered. 9. Avia Training and Consulting provides various public training classes covering Tcl related topics. For more information on the various classes offered, the locations for the classes, etc. see <URL:> . Courses cost $500 US dollars per day per student. Avia also offers onsite private training. Contact Ken Jones <URL:> or call 866-TCL-HELP (866-825-4357) in the USA or +1-408-983-1199 outside the USA. Prior to founding Avia, Ken was one of the instructors at Ajuba Solutions. If you are planning on attending any sort of conference or workshop, check for relevant types of classes, talks, presentations, as well as sessions dealing with applications and extensions of Tcl or Tk. Let the others in <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> know about the event so that they might also attend. For that matter, consider scheduling a Tcl/Tk event yourself if you are so inclined! ------------------------------ From: FAQ General information Subject: -VI- Where do I report problems, bugs, or enhancements There are two alternatives for reporting bugs and problems. The first is the Usenet news group <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>, an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup, created for the discussion of the Tcl programming language and tools that use some form of Tcl, such as the Tk toolkit for the X window system, Extended Tcl, and expect. Please note that postings of source code to <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> does not automatically get archived anywhere (for example in <URL:> - the User Contributions archive site) - if you want your code to be available, you can take advantage of the <URL:> interface and add it yourself. See elsewhere in the FAQs for more details on the user contributed source code archive site. The second alternative would be to report problems, suggestions, new ideas, etc. directly to the author. To find the email address of the authors of Tcl/Tk based programs and extensions, (see "part4") and (see "part5"). Note that this does NOT apply to Tcl / Tk themselves - John has asked that you use <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl> for public communications. There is also <URL:> for reporting problems, suggesting improvements, and so on. When you report bugs, be sure you mention what hardware and operating system you are using (e.g. Pentium 100 mhz running Linux version x.y.z), what version of Tcl/Tk you are using (e.g. Tcl/Tk 8.3.2), what extensions you have added (e.g. tclX, dash, plus, itcl, tix, and blt), and any local modifications you have made. Then, provide if possible either a small piece of code, or a URL (e.g. <URL:> ) to some code which demonstrates the problem. Either have the code explicitly mention "here's what I thought would happen", or in your description mention that. Also, if something used to work, mention which configuration you used. Most of all, be sure to provide an email address that is valid, and be sure to watch the Usenet newsgroups for responses, since seldom will private email be sent on a matter which likely is of public interest. On the other hand, if you DO get private email replies, remember to post a summary of what works to the group, so that future generations can benefit from your learning experience. If something in Tcl fails, don't just say "Tcl_Eval() fails" (or whatever function) but tell readers specifically what type of core dump occured, or what error codes were returned, what values were left in $errorCode and interp->result, and so on. If you submit information about your platform, version of Tcl, and code which can easily duplicate the bug to <URL:>, it can be examined, verified, logged and possibly fixed in a future Tcl/Tk release. If you have devised a fix (commonly referred to as a patch) for any Tcl or Tk related software, be sure to notify the author of the software as well as <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl>. To report patches to the core Tcl and Tk software, access <URL:>. If you have software from which you think someone might benefit (either a program, function, extension, or simple example), or you have a document, magazine or journal article, thesis, project, or even commercial advertisement, be sure to let the appropriate people know. There are FAQ maintainers for each of these areas as well as a <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce> newsgroup you can use. Source code postings of reasonable length (and reasonable has been pretty large) are acceptable, BUT postings are _not_ automatically archived on the Neosoft ftp site. It is always worthwhile to submit your contributions directly to the ftp site so more members in the future can benefit from your experience. To make announcements to the <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce> newsgroup, send email with the details to <URL:>. Also, feel free to just point us to your own ftp site or WWW site if you have one which can be used. Don't feel compelled to keep everything on one site - but feel free to ftp contributions there if you wish. ------------------------------ End of comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (1/5) ***************************************************** -- Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. Larry W. Virden <> <URL:> Even if explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should be construed as representing my employer's opinions. -><- [[Send Tcl/Tk announcements to Send administrivia to Announcements archived at The primary Tcl/Tk archive is ]]
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