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read-todos (1)
>> read-todos (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
read-todos - Syncronize your Palm ToDo application's database with your
desktop machine.
read-todos [-p <port>] [options]
read-todos will read the ToDo database on the Palm handheld, or read the
ToDoDB.pdb file directly from disk on your desktop machine, and print the
contents to STDOUT (generally "The Screen[tm]").
-p, --port <port>
Use device file <port> to communicate with the Palm handheld device.
If this is not specified, will look for the $PILOTPORT environment
variable. If both are not found or supplied, install-expenses will
fall back to /dev/pilot.
-h, --help
Display the help synopsis for read-todos.
-v, --version
Display version of read-todos.
-f, --file [filename] ..
Read the ToDoDB.pdb file from disk and dump the contents to STDOUT.
Connect to a target Palm handheld and read the ToDo database, or read the
ToDoDB.pdb file from disk and print the entries found to STDOUT.
By default, the contents of your Palm's ToDo database will be written to
standard output in a simple text output format.
If you supply the -f <file> argument, while omitting the -p <port>
argument, and pass it in the filename of a Palm ToDoDB.pdb-format file, the
entries in the ToDo database file will be written to STDOUT.
If you supply the -p <port> argument, while omitting the -f <file>
argument, the ToDo database on your Palm will be read and sent to STDOUT in
the same basic text format.
Read the on-Palm ToDo database, and dump to STDOUT
read-todos-p /dev/pilot
Read the ToDoDB.pdb file on disk, and dump to STDOUT