Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)
seinfo (1)
>> seinfo (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
seinfo - SELinux policy query tool
This man page describes the
allows the user to query a SELinux policy.
-c[NAME], --classes[=NAME]
print a list of object classes
-t[NAME], --types[=NAME]
print a list of types identifiers
-a[NAME], --attribs[=NAME]
print a list of type attributes
-r[NAME], --roles[=NAME]
print a list of roles
-u[NAME], --users[=NAME]
print a list of users
-b[NAME], --boolean[=NAME]
print a list of conditional booleans
-S[NAME], --sensitivities[=NAME]
print a list of sensitivities
-C[NAME], --categories[=NAME]
print a list of categories
-f[TYPE], --fs_use[=TYPE]
print a list of fs_use statements
-g[TYPE], --genfscon[=TYPE]
print a list of genfscon statements
-n[NAME], --netifcon[=NAME]
print a list of netif contexts
-o[ADDR], --nodecon[=ADDR]
print a list of node contexts
-p[NUM], --portcon[=NUM]
print a list of port contexts
-i[NAME], --initialsid[=NAME]
print a list of initial SIDs
-A, --all
print all of the above
-x, --expand
show additional info for -ctarbuSCiA options
-s, --stats
print useful policy statistics
-h, --help
display this help and exit
-v, --version
output version information and exit
For -ctaruSCfgnopi options, if NAME is provided, then only show info for NAME. Specifying a name is most useful when used with the -x option. If no option is provided, display useful policy statistics (-s).
The default source policy, or if that is unavailable the default binary policy, will be opened if no policy file name is provided.