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cs00setup (1)
  • >> cs00setup (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         cs00setup - cs00 setup utility
         cs00setup [ -dx ]  [ -h ]
         cs00setup sets up cs00 for use as Japanese input system in X
         environment, to be started when you log in. cs00setup copies
         a cs00 dictionary file   from  system  directory  into  home
         directory  also.  Values  set by cs00setup will be in effect
         when you log in next time.
         cs00setup modifies the following files.
               A script that is run when you log  in  to  the  Common
               Desktop  Environment (CDE). Lines to launch htt(1) for
               cs00 are added.
               A script that is run when you log in to Japanese  Open
               Windows  environment.  Lines to launch htt(1) for cs00
               are added.
               A resource file that htt(1) refers.  Settings  to  use
               xci(7) as interface module are added.
               A file that describes  X  resource.  Interface  module
               xci(7) that htt(1) uses accesses cs00 are set.
         If $HOME/.dtprofile and $HOME/.openwin-init  already  exist,
         and  wnn6setup(1) or atok8setup(1) provided with Solaris 2.6
         is set up to start as Japanese input system, cs00setup over-
         rides such settings to use cs00 as Japanese input system.
         If $HOME/.openwin-init already exists, and a Japanese  input
         system    other    than   wnn6setup(1),   atok8setup(1)   or
         cs00setup(1) provided with Japanese Solaris 2.6  is  set  up
         for  use, cs00setup modifies $HOME/.openwin-init to override
         such settings as follows.
         ### COMMENTED OUT BY cs00setup == BEGIN == ###
         :# Existing settings to start a Japanese input system ...
         ### COMMENTED OUT BY cs00setup ==  END  == ###
         Lines to set up cs00 are placed  between  comment  lines  in
         $HOME/.dtprofile and $HOME/.openwin-init as follows.
         ###==- Generated by cs00setup to launch XIM for Japanese. == BEGIN == -==###
         New settings to start a Japanese input system...
         ###==- Generated by cs00setup to launch XIM for Japanese. == END == -==###
         The  above  setting  lines   are   modified   by   executing
         wnn6setup(1),  atok8setup(1)  or   cs00setup(1). That is, if
         you edit the setting lines between comment lines, then  exe-
         cute   wnn6setup(1),  atok8setup(1) or cs00setup(1), changes
         to these lines will be lost. You should not make any changes
         to these lines.
         -h    Display help messages.
         -d    Copy a dictionary file only. cs00setup copies  a  main
               dictionary    (cs00_m.dic)   and   a  user  dictionary
               (cs00_u.dic)    from     system     directory     into
               $HOME/.Xdefaults directory.
         -x    Use cs00 as the Japanese Input System  in  X  environ-
               ment.  Set  up  $HOME/.Xdefaults, $HOME/.openwin-init,
               $HOME/.dtprofile      and       $HOME/.Xlocale/ja/app-
         The simple usage is to type the following on command line as
         a general user.
         sun% cs00setup
         If options are not specified, it  works  equivalent  to  the
         case that  -d and  -x options are given at one time.
         atok8setup(1), cs00setup(1), dtlogin(1), htt(1), openwin(1),
         wnn6setup(1), cs00(1M), xci(7)
         If you edit $HOME/.dtprofile to set up  the  Japanese  input
         system,  and  execute  the cs00setup command, you may not be
         able to use cs00 when you log in.  In this case, remove  the
         setting lines you added in $HOME/.dtprofile for the Japanese
         input system.

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