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helpviewer (1)
  • >> helpviewer (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         helpviewer - OpenWindows viewer for on-line help handbooks
         helpviewer -f help-handbook-file
         helpviewer is an OpenWindows  application  for  viewing  and
         navigating on-line help handbooks.
         helpviewer lets you page through a help handbook, magnify or
         reduce  pages,  and  follow  hypertext  links  and table-of-
         contents entries within a handbook and to  other  handbooks.
         Because  help  handbooks  are in PostScript format, they may
         contain high quality fonts and graphics.
         You should not start helpviewer  directly.   It  is  started
         automatically  by  OpenWindows  when you click SELECT on the
         "More" button in a spot help window, or when you select  the
         "Help..."  item in the OpenWindows root menu.
         helpviewer  accepts  most  of  the  generic  tool  arguments
         described in xview(7), as well as the following options:
         -f help-handbook-file
              Specify the name of the help  handbook  to  be  viewed.
              This file name should be specified relative to a direc-
              tory in $HELPPATH (see ENVIRONMENT below).
         Once a help handbook is displayed in the helpviewer  window,
         you can view it as follows:
         Page Turning
              Click SELECT on the left and right arrow buttons at the
              top  of  the  helpviewer  window to page back and forth
              through a handbook.  The PgUp and PgDn keys on the key-
              board  perform  the  same  functions.  In addition, the
              Home and End keys let you page through a  handbook  one
              chapter at a time.
         Page History
              helpviewer keeps track  of  each  page  visited.  Click
              SELECT  on  the Go Back button until the window returns
              to the page you want to revisit, or use the  Undo  key-
              board function.
         Hypertext Links
              helpviewer has a simple hypertext mechanism.  Hypertext
              links  are  displayed  as  rectangular  outlines around
              words or graphics on a page.  Double-clicking SELECT on
              a  link  causes  helpviewer to display the handbook and
              page to which the  link  points.   Handbooks  may  have
              links  to  other handbooks.  Certain types of hypertext
              links can  also  initiate  system  processes.   Double-
              clicking  on  these  links  will  start up a program or
              shell script.
         Page Magnification
              Magnify or reduce the size of the handbook  by  pulling
              the  resize corners on the helpviewer window, or select
              the "View->Custom Magnification" menu item.  Select the
              "View->Standard  Magnification"  menu item to reset the
              handbook to the standard size.  For very high  magnifi-
              cations,  select  the "View->Partial Page" menu item so
              that the helpviewer window still fits on the screen.
              This environment variable must be  set  to  the  direc-
              tories    that    contain    help    handbooks    (e.g.
              $OPENWINHOME/lib/locale:$OPENWINHOME/lib/help).     The
              helpviewer  uses the $HELPPATH variable to locate hand-
              book files.  $HELPPATH is typically  set  automatically
              during  the  OpenWindows  startup process, so it is not
              usually necessary to set it yourself.
         helpviewer(1) displays PostScript error messages in the con-
         PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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