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iconedit (1)
  • >> iconedit (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         iconedit - create and edit  images  for  OpenWindows  icons,
         cursors, and panel items
         iconedit [ filename ] [ XView command-line arguments ]
         This command is available with the OpenWindows user environ-
         ment.   For  information  about XView command-line arguments
         see the XView documentation.
         filename  Contains the image.
         XView command-line arguments
                   iconedit  accepts  XView  command-line   arguments
                   listed in xview(7).
         iconedit is part of the OpenWindows DeskSet.  With  iconedit
         you  can create and edit small images for use in icons, cur-
         sors, panel items, etc.
         Main Window
         This window contains  the  controls  for  manipulating  your
         image,  as  well as the image itself as it will appear in an
         icon or cursor, and an expanded image in a  drawing  canvas.
         From the main window you have the following pull-down menus.
                   Load      Specify a file to load.
                   Save      Save the file under the current name.
                   Save As   Save file under a new name.
                   Print     Generate PostScript output for a printer
                             or a file.
                   Grid On/Off
                             Turns a grid on or off  in  the  display
                             area.   One grid square is a 4x4 area of
                   Undo      The last action is un-done.  A record of
                             undos  available  is  kept  in the lower
                             right footer.
                   Redo      The last undo is  redone,  provided  the
                             last action was an undo.
                   Clear     The drawing area is  cleared  by  having
                             all of the pixels set to white.
                   Cut       A selected area  is  cleared,  with  its
                             contents  moved to the paste buffer.  If
                             no area is selected, the default area is
                             the entire image.
                   Copy      A selected area is copied to  the  paste
                             buffer.   If  no  area  is selected, the
                             default area is the entire image.
                   Paste     The contents of  the  paste  buffer  are
                             copied  into  the  image  at the current
                             pointer location.
                   Invert    The selected area is inverted, black for
                             white  and white for black.  This action
                             is only available in B&W mode.
                   Format    Selects the default save  format  of  an
                             image, be it an XView icon, an X Bitmap,
                             a color X Pixmap, or a monochrome X Pix-
                   Size      Selects the size of the image.  64x64 is
                             the  most common size for an icon, 32x32
                             is used within filemgr and 16x16 is  the
                             size of cursors.
         Palette   This brings up the color palette for choosing  the
                   pen color.
                   Drawing Mode
                             This choice lets you select you  drawing
                             mode:  dots, lines, rectangles, circles,
                             ellipses, text, selection, or erase.
                   Fill Pattern
                             This  selects  the  pattern   in   which
                             objects  drawn  are filled.  The choices
                             range  from  outline   through   various
                             textures  to solid.  The fill pattern is
                             only in effect when drawing  rectangles,
                             circles or ellipses.
                   Color or B&W
                             This item selects  between  having  your
                             image  in  color  or monochrome.  If you
                             change it from color to monochrome,  the
                             color information is lost, though it can
                             be restored through undo.
         Movement Arrows
                   These let you move your image or a  selected  part
                   of  your  image.  Vertical and horizontal flip, as
                   well as rotation are also provided.
         Solaris User's Guide
         XView documentation
         "About Icon Editor" in the Help Handbook  available  through
         the Help option on the Workspace menu.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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