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matlab (1)
  • >> matlab (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


         matlab - script file for invoking MATLAB


         matlab    [-h | -help] | [-n]
              [[-c licensefile] -display hostname:display] [-debug]
              [-Debugger [options]]


         matlab is a Bourne  shell  script  that  starts  the  MATLAB
         executable (note lower case matlab refers here to the script
         and upper case MATLAB refers to  the  application  program).
         Before  actually  initiating  the  execution of MATLAB, this
         script configures the runtime environment by:
              o     Determining the MATLAB root directory
              o     Determining the host machine architecture
              o     Processing any options specified
              o     Reading the MATLAB startup file,
              o     Setting MATLAB environment variables
         There are two ways in which you  can  control  the  way  the
         matlab script works:
              o   By specifying command-line options
              o   By assigning values in  the  MATLAB  startup  file,
         The file  is  a  shell  script  that  contains
         definitions for a number of variables that the matlab script
         uses. These variables are defined within the matlab  script,
         but  can  be redefined in When called, matlab
         looks for  the  first  occurance  of  in  the
         current  directory,  in  the  $HOME  directory,  and  in the
         matlab/bin  directory  (where  the   template   version   of is located).
         You can edit the template file to redefine information  used
         by  the  matlab  script.  You can copy the edited version to
         your current or home directory  if  you  do  not  want  your
         changes  applied  system  wide.  Ensure  that  you  edit the
         section that applies to your machine architecture.
         The file defines the following variables:
                             The FLEXlm license file.
              TOOLBOX        Path to the $MATLAB/toolbox directory
              MATLABPATH     The MATLAB search path. The initial path
                             created  at  install  time  is stored in
              XAPPLRESDIR    The  X  application  resource  directory
              XKEYSYMDB      The    X    keysym     database     file
              SHELL          The shell to use when "!" is  issued  in
         The matlab script determines the path  of  the  MATLAB  root
         directory   by  looking  up  the  directory  tree  from  the
         matlab/bin directory (where the matlab script  is  located).
         The $MATLAB variable is then used to locate all files within
         the MATLAB directory tree.
         You can change the definition of $MATLAB,  if  for  example,
         you  want  to  run  a different version of MATLAB or if, for
         some reason, the path determined by the matlab script is not
         correct  (this may happen when certain types of automounting
         schemes are used by your system).
         $AUTOMOUNT_MAP is used to modify the MATLAB  root  directory
         path.  Whatever  pathname that is assigned to $AUTOMOUNT_MAP
         is deleted from the front for the MATLAB root path.  (It  is
         unlikely that you will need to use this option.)
         See  the  comments  in  the  file  for   more
         explanation on these variables.


         -h, -help This option shows matlab command usage. MATLAB  is
                   not started when you specify this option.
         -n        This option causes matlab to display the values of
                   the  environment variables used by MATLAB.  MATLAB
                   is not started when you specify this option.
         -c licensefile
                   Sets the value of the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable  to
                   licensefile.   This   setting   supersedes  values
                   specified in and the default  values
                   defined within the matlab script.
                   license.dat.DEMO.*   files   in   the   matlab/etc
         -display hostname:display
                   The  X  display  used  for  MATLAB  output.    For
                   example,  matlab  -display falstaff:0 cause MATLAB
                   output to be displayed on the host named falstaff.
                   The  value  specified  with this option supersedes
                   the value of the DISPLAY environment variable  and
                   the display variable defined in
         -debug    Provides debugging information, especially for  X-
                   based  problems.  Note  that  your should use this
                   option  only  in  conjunction  with  a   Technical
                   Support Representative from The MathWorks, Inc.
         -Ddebugger options
                   Start MATLAB with the  specified  debugger  (e.g.,
                   dbx,  xdb,  gdb,  ups, etc.). Any debugger options
                   you want to use should be  specified  in  options.
                   Using   the   -D   options  sets  the  environment
         Note that for certain debuggers,  such  as  gdb,  the  SHELL
         environment variable is always set to /bin/sh.
         This option is useful for using  a  debugger  on  MEX-files,
         which are subroutines linked to MATLAB. You should build the
         MEX-file using the -g option.  (See the mex manual page  for
         information   on   building   MEX-files.   See   the  MATLAB
         Application  Program  Interface  Guide  for  information  on
         debugging MEX-files).


         If you have a Web  browser  like  Netscape  you  can  easily
         access  online  documentation  for MATLAB. If you are at the
         Unix shell prompt then invoke  the  matlabdoc  command,  for
                $ matlabdoc
         Go to the link MATLAB Help Desk.  The matlabdoc  command  is
         accessable  in  the same may as the matlab and mex commands.
         If you are at the MATLAB prompt use  the  helpdesk  command,
         for example
                >> helpdesk
         There are a number of manuals.  See the MATLAB  Installation
         Guide for information on installing MATLAB.  See the Getting


         MEX(1),  LMHOSTID(1),  LMSTART(1),   LMDOWN(1),   LMBOOT(1),
         LMSTAT(1),  LMREMOVE(1),  LMVER(1), LMDIAG(1), LMSWITCHR(1),
         LMCKSUM(1), LMREREAD(1)

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