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rmid (1)
  • >> rmid (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • rmid (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         rmid - RMI activation system daemon
         rmid [ -C command-line-option ] [ -log dir ] [ -port port ]
              [ -stop ]
         The rmid tool starts the activation  system  daemon.  Before
         activatable  objects  can  be  either  registered  with  the
         activation system or activated in a Java VM, the  activation
         system daemon must be started. See the RMI Specification for
         details on how to write programs that use activatable remote
         objects.  The  daemon  can  be started by executing the rmid
         command with no options, as follows:
         example% rmid
         starts the Activator and an internal registry on the default
         port  of  1098,  and binds an ActivationSystem with the name
         java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem in this internal regis-
         try. To specify an alternate port for the registry, you must
         specify the -port option when starting up rmid, for example:
         example% rmid -port 1099
         starts the activation system daemon and a  registry  on  the
         registry's default port of 1099.
         -C command-line-option
              Specifies an option that is passed as  a  command  line
              option to each child process (activation group) of rmid
              when that process is created.  The  command-line-option
              is  any option that the "command" will accept when rmid
              starts up the group using the  "command".   By  default
              the  command  to  start  up the group is javac(1),soany
              javac(1) option is okay.  The application  can  specify
              that the command can be other than javac(1) by specify-
              ing a ActivationGroup.CommandEnvironment when register-
              ing an activation group.
         To pass a property to each Java Virtual Machine  spawned  by
         the activation system daemon:
              example% rmid
              This ability to pass  command  line  options  to  child
              processes can be useful for debugging. For example, the
              following command:
              example% rmid -C-Djava.rmi.server.logCalls=true
              will enable  server-call  logging  in  all  child  Java
              Virtual Machines.
         -log dir
              Specifies the name of the directory the activation sys-
              tem  daemon  uses  to write its database and associated
              information.  The log directory defaults to creating  a
              directory, log, in the directory in which the rmid com-
              mand was executed.
         -port port
              Specifies the port  the  registry  of  rmid  uses.  The
              activation  system  daemon  binds the ActivationSystem,
              with the name java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem,  in
              this  registry. Thus, the ActivationSystem on the local
              machine   can   be   obtained   using   the   following
              Naming.lookup method call:
              import java.rmi.*;
              import java.rmi.activation.*;
              ActivationSystem system;
              system = (ActivationSystem)
              Stops the current invocation of rmid, for a port speci-
              fied  by  the -port option. If no port is specified, it
              will stop the rmid running on port 1098.
         CLASSPATH           Used to provide the  system  a  path  to
                             user-defined  classes.   Directories are
                             separated by colons. For example,
                             example% .:/usr/local/java/classes
         See attributes(5) for a description of the following  attri-
        | Availability  |  SUNWjvrt, SUNWjvdev|
         See (or search for the following:
         Setting the Classpath @
         RMI Specification @

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