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textedit (1)
  • >> textedit (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         textedit - XView-based text editor with mouse support
         textedit [ generic-tool-arguments ] [  -Ei  on  |  off  ]  [
         -auto_indent ] [ -Eo on | off ] [ -okay_to_overwrite ] [ -Er
         on | off ] [ -read_only ] [ -Ec N ] [ -checkpoint count ]  [
         -EL  lines ] [ -lower_context lines ] [ -Em pixels ] [ -mar-
         gin pixels ] [ -En N ] [ -number_of_lines lines ] [ -ES N  ]
         [ -multi_click_space radius ] [ -Et N ] [ -tab_width tabstop
         ] [ -ET N ] [ -multi_click_timeout intrvl ]  [  -Eu  N  ]  [
         -history_limit  max  ]  [  -EU  N ] [ -upper_context lines ]
         textedit is a window-based XView application  that  provides
         both  mouse and pointer operations and keyboard accelerators
         for the editing of text. In general, text editing throughout
         the  OpenWindows user environment uses textedit conventions,
         both in text display areas such as mail message windows  and
         command panel text fields.
         textedit operates via a set of  command  panel  buttons  and
         text  fields and a set of menus and submenus accessible from
         the main editing window.
              textedit  accepts  the  XView  generic  tool  arguments
              described  in  the xview(7) man page with the exception
              of the arguments for setting the frame label.
         -Ei on|off
              Choose whether or not to  automatically  indent  newly-
              opened  lines.  The  default is off. Corresponds to the
              auto_indent Text default.
         -Eo on|off
              Set behavior to the Store as New File menu item.  If on
              a Store as New File to the current file is treated as a
              Save Current File.   If  off  (the  standard  default),
              Store as New File operations using the current filename
              results  in   an   error   message.    Corresponds   to
         -Er on|off
              Turn read-only mode on or off.  When on, text cannot be
         -Ec N
         -checkpoint count
              Checkpoint after every  count  editing  operation.   If
              count  is  0  (the  standard default), no checkpointing
              takes place.  Each character  typed,  each  Paste,  and
              each  Cut  counts as an editing operation.  Corresponds
              to checkpoint_frequency.
         -EL lines
         -lower_context lines
              Specify the minimum number of lines to keep between the
              caret  and  the  bottom  of  the  text  subwindow.  The
              default is 2.  Corresponds to lower_context.
         -Em pixels
         -margin pixels
              Set the scrollbar margin width in pixels.  The  default
              is 4.  Corresponds to left_margin.
         -En N
         -number_of_lines lines
              Set the number of lines in the bottom  subwindow.   The
              default is 45.
         -ES N
         -multi_click_space radius
              Set the radius in  pixels,  within  which  clicks  must
              occur  to  be  treated as a multi-click selection.  The
              default is 3 pixels. Corresponds to multi_click_space.
         -Et N
         -tab_width tabstop
              Set the number of SPACE characters  displayed  per  TAB
              stop.  The  default is 8.  This option has no effect on
              the characters in the file.  Corresponds to tab_width.
         -ET N
         -multi_click_timeout intrvl
              Set the interval, in milliseconds, within which any two
              clicks must occur to be treated as a multi-click selec-
              tion.  The default is 390 milliseconds.  Corresponds to
         -Eu N
         -history_limit max
              Set the maximum number of editing operations  that  can
              be undone or replayed.  The default is 50.  Corresponds
              to history_limit.
         -EU  N
         -upper_context lines
              Set the minimum number of lines  to  keep  between  the
              caret  and  the top of the text subwindow.  The default
              is 2.  Corresponds to upper_context.
         textedit is part of the OpenWindows user environment.
      Signal Processing
         If textedit hangs, for  whatever  reason,  you  can  send  a
         SIGHUP  signal  to  its process ID, which forces it to write
         any changes (if possible):
              kill -HUP pid
         The edits are written to the file in its  work-
         ing  directory.   If that fails, textedit successively tries
         to write to a file by that name in /var/tmp, and then  /tmp.
         In  addition, whenever textedit catches a fatal signal, such
         as SIGILL, it tries to write out the edits before aborting.
      Defaults Options
         There are several dozen user-specified defaults that  affect
         the behavior of the text-based facilities.  See xview(7) for
         a complete description.  Important defaults entries  in  the
         Text category are:
                           If set to  0  (the  standard  default)  no
                           checkpointing  is  done.   For  any  value
                           greater than zero, a  checkpoint  is  made
                           each  time the indicated number of editing
                           operations has been  performed  since  the
                           last  checkpoint.   Each  character typed,
                           each Paste, and  each  Cut  counts  as  an
                           editing  operation.   The  checkpoint file
                           has a name of the form:  filename%%, where
                           filename  is  the  name  of the file being
         Selections in textedit are defined as selected  portions  of
         text  to  which editing operations can be applied. For exam-
         ple, a selection can be deleted, moved, copied, etc.
         textedit provides  two  types  of  selections:  primary  and
         secondary.   Primary selections allow you to select a set of
         text on which to  perform  an  editing  function.  Secondary
         selections  allow  you  to  define  a  second  block of text
         without undefining your primary text  selection  or  reposi-
         tioning  your  cursor. Being able to define two sets of text
         at once allows you to take advantage of the advanced editing
         functions  described  below  in  the section called Function
         Using a Mouse and Pointer:
                   Single characters can be selected using the SELECT
                   mouse button.
                   Blocks of text can  be  selected  by  selecting  a
                   starting  point  with  the SELECT mouse button and
                   selecting an ending point with the ADJUST button.
                   Or blocks of  text  can  be  selected  using  OPEN
                   LOOK's  wipe  through  feature  by  pointing  at a
                   beginning character and depressing the SELECT but-
                   ton while moving the pointer to the end of a block
                   of text.
                   Selections can also be made by  clicking  (rapidly
                   pressing)  the SELECT button. Click once to select
                   a single letter; click twice  to  select  a  word;
                   click  three  times  to  select a complete line of
                   text; click four times to select the entire  docu-
                   ment being edited.
         Visual Feedback
                   All primary selections are indicated  visually  by
                   inverse video of the text selected and are pending
                   delete. Pending delete selections are replaced  if
                   you type or paste while the text is selected.
                   Secondary selections that are not  pending  delete
                   are indicated by underlining of the text.
                   Secondary selections pending delete are  indicated
                   by  underlining  of the text and strike through of
                   the individual characters.
      Secondary Selections
         Secondary selections are made using  any  of  the  selection
         methods  described  above in addition to holding down one of
         the four function keys corresponding to  the  commands  Cut,
         Find, Paste, or Copy.
         Secondary selections are made pending delete by holding  the
         CTRL  key  when making the secondary selection.  If a secon-
         dary selection is pending-delete, it  is  deleted  when  the
         function  key  is  released, except in the case of the Find,
         which deselects the secondary selection.
         Commands that operate on the primary selection do so even if
         the  primary  selection is not in the window that issued the
      Inserting Text and Command Characters
         For the most part, typing any of the  standard  keys  either
         inserts  the corresponding character at the insertion point,
         or erases characters.  However, certain key combinations are
         treated as commands.  Some of the most useful are:
         Command             Character      Description
         Cut-Primary         META-X         Erases the primary selection and moves it to the
         Find-Primary        META-F         Searches the text for the pattern specified by the
                                            primary selection or by the Clipboard, if there is no
                                            primary selection.
         Copy-to-Clipboard   META-C         Copies the primary selection to the Clipboard.
         Paste-Clipboard     META-V         Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
         Copy-then-Paste     META-P         Copies the primary selection to the insertion point
                                            (through the Clipboard).
         Go-to-EOF           CTRL-RETURN    Moves the insertion point to the end of the text and
                                            positions the text so the insertion point is visible.
      Keyboard Functions
         The commands indicated by use of the function keys are:
         Command     SPARC     x86          Description
         Stop        L1        Esc          Aborts the current command.
         Again       L2        Meta-a       Repeats the previous editing sequence since a
                                            primary selection was made.
         Undo        L4        Meta-z       Undoes a prior editing sequence.
         Front       L5        Meta-r       Makes the window completely visible (or hides it,
                                            if it is already exposed).
         Copy        L6        Meta-c       Copies the primary selection, either to the
                                            Clipboard or at the closest end of the secondary
         Open        L7        Meta-w       Makes the window iconic (or normal, if it is already
         Paste       L8        Meta-v       Copies either the secondary selection or the Clipboard
                                            at the insertion point.
         Find        L9        Meta-f       Searches for the pattern specified by, in order, the
                                            secondary selection, the primary selection, or the
         Cut         L10       Meta-x       Erases either the primary or the secondary selection
                                            and moves it to the Clipboard.
         Help        F1        F1           Produces help text.
         Find usually searches the text forwards,  towards  the  end.
         Holding  down  the  SHIFT  key  while invoking Find searches
         backward through the text, towards the  beginning.   If  the
         pattern  is  not  found  before the search encounters either
         extreme, it "wraps around"  and  continues  from  the  other
         extreme.   Find  starts the search at the appropriate end of
         the primary selection, if the primary selection  is  in  the
         subwindow that the search is made in; otherwise it starts at
         the insertion point, unless the subwindow cannot be  edited,
         in which case it starts at the beginning of the text.
         CTRL-Find invokes the Find and Replace pop-up frame.
      Menu Items
         File      A pull-right menu item for file operations.
         Edit      A pull-right menu item equivalent of  the  editing
                   function  keys.   The Edit submenu provides Again,
                   Undo, Copy, Paste, and Cut (same as function  keys
                   L2, L4, L6, L8, and L10).
         Display   A pull-right menu item  for  controlling  the  way
                   text is displayed and line display format.
         Find      A pull-right menu  item  for  find  and  delimiter
                   matching operations.
         Extras    A user definable pull-right menu item.  The Extras
                   standard      submenu     is     controlled     by
                   This  file  has  the  same syntax as .openwin-menu
                   file.  See the xview man page.
         Only those items that are active appear as  normal  text  in
         the  menu;  inactive  items  (which are inappropriate at the
         time) are "grayed out".
      User Defined Commands
         The                                                     file
         specifies filter programs that  are  included  in  the  text
         subwindow  Extras pull-right menu item. The file ~/.textswrc
         specifies filter programs that are assigned  to  (available)
         function keys.  These filters are applied to the contents of
         the primary selection.   Their  output  is  entered  at  the
         The                                                     file
         $OPENWINHOME/share/src/xview/examples/textsw/textswrc  is  a
         sample containing a set of useful filters.  It is  not  read
         ~/.textswrc              specifies bindings  of  filters  to
                                  function keys
                                  specifies bindings of  filters  for
                                  the extras menu pull-right items
                                  contains useful filters,  including
                                  shift_lines and capitalize.
         filename%                prior version of filename is avail-
                                  able here after a Save Current File
                                  menu operation             edited   version    of    filename;
                                  generated   in  response  to  fatal
                                  internal errors
         /tmp/Text*               editing session logs
         kill(1), xview(7)
         Solaris User's Guide
         "About Text Editor" in the Help Handbook  available  through
         the Help option on the Workspace menu.
         Cannot open file 'filename', aborting!
                                            filename does  not  exist
                                            or cannot be read.
         textedit produces the following exit status codes:
              0    normal termination
              1    standard OpenWindows help message was printed
              2    help message was requested and printed
              3    abnormal termination in response to a signal, usu-
                   ally due to an internal error
              4    abnormal termination during  initialization,  usu-
                   ally  due to a missing file or running out of swap
         Multi-click to change the current selection  does  not  work
         for Adjust Selection.
         Handling of long lines is  incorrect  in  certain  scrolling
         There is no way to replay any editing  sequence  except  the
         most recent.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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