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p_online (2)
  • >> p_online (2) ( Solaris man: Системные вызовы )


    p_online - return or change processor operational status


    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/processor.h>
    int p_online(processorid_t processorid, int flag);



    The p_online() function changes or returns the operational status of processors. The state of the processor specified by the processorid argument is changed to the state represented by the flag argument.

    Legal values for flag are P_STATUS, P_ONLINE, P_OFFLINE, P_NOINTR, P_FAULTED, P_SPARE, and P_FORCED.

    When flag is P_STATUS, no processor status change occurs, but the current processor status is returned.

    The P_ONLINE, P_OFFLINE, P_NOINTR, P_FAULTED, and P_SPARE values for flag refer to valid processor states. The P_OFFLINE, P_SPARE, and P_FAULTED processor states can be combined with the P_FORCED flag.

    A processor in the P_ONLINE state is allowed to process LWPs (lightweight processes) and perform system activities. The processor is also interruptible by I/O devices attached to the system.

    A processor in the P_OFFLINE state is not allowed to process LWPs. The processor is as inactive as possible. If the hardware supports such a feature, the processor is not interruptible by attached I/O devices.

    A processor in the P_NOINTR state is allowed to process LWPs, but it is not interruptible by attached I/O devices. Typically, interrupts, when they occur are routed to other processors in the system. Not all systems support putting a processor into the P_NOINTR state. It is not permitted to put all the processors of a system into the P_NOINTR state. At least one processor must always be available to service system clock interrupts.

    A processor in the P_SPARE state is not allowed to process LWPs. In many respects the P_SPARE state is similiar to the P_OFFLINE state, but describes a processor that is available for reactivation by management tools without administrator intervention.

    A processor in the P_FAULTED state is not allowed to process LWPs. In many respects the P_FAULTED state is similiar to the P_OFFLINE state, but describes a processor that has been diagnosed as faulty. The privileged caller can change the state of the processor from P_FAULTED to any of the other states, but since the processor might generate additional errors, electing to reactivate such a processor should be carefully considered.

    Forced processor state transition can be requested if a new processor state is specified with the bitwise-inclusive OR of the special P_FORCED flag. Forcing transition of a processor to the P_OFFLINE, P_SPARE, or P_FAULTED state revokes processor bindings for all threads that were previously bound to that processor with processor_bind(2). There is no guarantee that a forced processor state transition always succeeds.

    Processor numbers are integers, greater than or equal to 0, and are defined by the hardware platform. Processor numbers are not necessarily contiguous, but "not too sparse." Processor numbers should always be printed in decimal.

    The maximum possible processorid value can be determined by calling sysconf(_SC_CPUID_MAX). The list of valid processor numbers can be determined by calling p_online() with processorid values from 0 to the maximum returned by sysconf(_SC_CPUID_MAX). The EINVAL error is returned for invalid processor numbers. See EXAMPLES below.  


    On successful completion, the value returned is the previous state of the processor, P_ONLINE, P_OFFLINE, P_NOINTR, P_FAULTED, P_SPARE, or P_POWEROFF. Otherwise, -1 is returned, the CPU state remains unchanged, and errno is set to indicate the error.  


    The p_online() function will fail if:


    The flag was P_OFFLINE or P_SPARE and the specified processor is the only on-line processor, there are currently LWPs bound to the processor, or the processor performs some essential function that cannot be performed by another processor.

    The flag was P_NOINTR and the specified processor is the only interruptible processor in the system, or it handles interrupts that cannot be handled by another processor.

    The specified processor is powered off and cannot be powered on because some platform- specific resource is not available.


    A non-existent processor ID was specified or flag was invalid.

    The caller is in a non-global zone, the pools facility is active, and the processor is not a member of the zone's pool's processor set.


    The specified processor is powered off, and the platform does not support power on of individual processors.


    The flag was not P_STATUS and the {PRIV_SYS_RES_CONFIG} privilege is not asserted in the effective set of the calling process.



    Example 1 List the legal processor numbers.

    The following code sample will list the legal processor numbers:

    #include <sys/unistd.h>
    #include <sys/processor.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <errno.h>
           processorid_t i, cpuid_max;
           cpuid_max = sysconf(_SC_CPUID_MAX);
           for (i = 0; i <= cpuid_max; i++) {
                 if (p_online(i, P_STATUS) != -1)
                           printf("processor %d present\n", i);
           return (0);



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:





    pooladm(1M), psradm(1M), psrinfo(1M), zoneadm(1M), processor_bind(2), processor_info(2), pset_create(2), sysconf(3C), attributes(5), privileges(5)




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