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audio_intro (3)
  • >> audio_intro (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         audio_intro, libaudio.a - audio library functions
         #include <multimedia/libaudio.h>
         libaudio.a provides a preliminary interface to many  of  the
         common  operations  necessary to access and manipulate audio
         files and devices.  By embodying the specifics of file  for-
         mats and device ioctl commands in library routines, programs
         may be insulated, in part, from future changes to the inter-
         face and data storage formats.
    File Header
         Audio files contain a header that has a magic number  (iden-
         tifying  the file as an audio file) and fields that describe
         the encoding format used to store the audio  data.   Immedi-
         ately  following the header is a variable-length information
         field in  which,  for  instance,  ASCII  annotation  may  be
         The format of the audio file header  is  compatible  with  a
         subset  of  the  NeXT  sound  file  header.  Sun has adopted
         NeXT's sound file header ideas to facilitate the transparent
         sharing  of  audio  files  in a networked environment.  (The
         NeXT Nested and Indirect sound file types are not  currently
         In order that audio files may be successfully shared amongst
         multiple  machine  architectures, the header and data fields
         are written using  big-endian  byte-ordering.   Though  this
         means  that byte-swapping may be necessary to read and write
         some data encodings on little-endian machines  such  as  the
         Sun386i,  this  overhead is largely overwhelmed by all other
         signal manipulation operations.  The benefits of transparent
         file access far outweigh the costs.
         Routines to support the reading and writing  of  audio  file
         headers  are documented in the audio_filehdr(3) manual page.
         These routines convert between the file header  format  used
         for  file  interchange  and  the in-core audio header format
         used by most audio applications.
    Audio Header
         Audio data is described by an Audio_hdr  structure  that  is
         similar,  but  not identical, to the audio file header.  The
         audio header structure  is  described  in  the  audio_hdr(3)
         manual  page.   The audio_misc(3) manual page describes rou-
         tines that perform some simple transformations based on  the
         contents of the audio header structure.
    Audio Device Control
         The audio(4) manual page describes the direct  interface  to
         the  audio  i/o  device  (/dev/audio)  and the audio control
         pseudo-device (/dev/audioctl).  For the most part,  however,
         programs   may   use   the   routines   documented   in  the
         audio_device(3) manual page to access and control  the  dev-
    Audio Data Conversions
         The SPARCstation audio device operates on data that has been
         encoded  in  u-law  format, a quasi-logarithmic compression.
         Since most signal-processing algorithms  perform  arithmetic
         on  linearly  encoded  data,  it is convenient to be able to
         convert to  and  from  a  linear  PCM  representation.   The
         audio_ulaw2linear(3)  manual page describes macros that will
         perform these transformations.
         audio_convert(3),      audio_filehdr(3),       audio_hdr(3),
         audio_misc(3), audio_ulaw2linear(3), audio(4)
         NeXT is a trademark of NeXT, Inc.
         Although access to audio file headers are  partly  concealed
         in the file header routines, the data formats themselves are
         not properly hidden.  Routines  to  demultiplex  interleaved
         audio  channels,  and  to transparently convert between data
         encodings, should be provided.
         Access to many of the audio device status and control fields
         has  been  concealed in the audio device routines.  As audio
         server  technology  emerges,  these  interfaces  may  remain
         stable  while  the  underlying implementation changes.  How-
         ever, access to the data streams of the audio device  should
         be similarly concealed.
         The manual pages, header files, and object  library  associ-
         ated  with /usr/demo/SOUND/libaudio.a are furnished on an as
         is basis as a preliminary interface to several useful  audio
         data-processing  capabilities.   A  future  release  of  the
         operating system may redefine the  syntax  or  semantics  of
         some of the functions described herein.

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