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slagtf (3)
  • >> slagtf (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         slagtf - factorize the matrix (T-lambda*I), where T is an  n
         by  n  tridiagonal  matrix  and  lambda is a scalar, as   T-
         lambda*I = PLU,
         INTEGER INFO, N
         INTEGER IN( * )
         REAL A( * ), B( * ), C( * ), D( * )
         #include <sunperf.h>
         void slagtf(int n, float *sa, float lambda, float *sb, float
                   *c, float tol, float *d, int *in, int *info) ;
         SLAGTF factorizes the matrix (T - lambda*I), where T is an n
         by n tridiagonal matrix and lambda is a scalar, as
         where P is a permutation matrix, L is a unit lower tridiago-
         nal  matrix  with at most one non-zero sub-diagonal elements
         per column and U is an upper triangular matrix with at  most
         two non-zero super-diagonal elements per column.
         The factorization is obtained by Gaussian  elimination  with
         partial pivoting and implicit row scaling.
         The parameter LAMBDA is included  in  the  routine  so  that
         SLAGTF  may  be  used, in conjunction with SLAGTS, to obtain
         eigenvectors of T by inverse iteration.
         N         (input) INTEGER
                   The order of the matrix T.
         A         (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N)
                   On entry, A must contain the diagonal elements  of
                   On exit, A is overwritten by the n  diagonal  ele-
                   ments of the upper triangular matrix U of the fac-
                   torization of T.
         LAMBDA    (input) REAL
                   On entry, the scalar lambda.
         B         (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N-1)
                   On entry, B must contain the (n-1)  super-diagonal
                   elements of T.
                   On exit, B is  overwritten  by  the  (n-1)  super-
                   diagonal  elements of the matrix U of the factori-
                   zation of T.
         C         (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N-1)
                   On entry, C must contain  the  (n-1)  sub-diagonal
                   elements of T.
                   On exit,  C  is  overwritten  by  the  (n-1)  sub-
                   diagonal  elements of the matrix L of the factori-
                   zation of T.
         TOL       (input) REAL
                   On entry, a relative tolerance  used  to  indicate
                   whether or not the matrix (T - lambda*I) is nearly
                   singular. TOL should normally be chose as approxi-
                   mately  the largest relative error in the elements
                   of T. For  example,  if  the  elements  of  T  are
                   correct  to  about 4 significant figures, then TOL
                   should be set to about 5*10**(-4). If TOL is  sup-
                   plied  as less than eps, where eps is the relative
                   machine precision, then the value eps is  used  in
                   place of TOL.
         D         (output) REAL array, dimension (N-2)
                   On exit, D is  overwritten  by  the  (n-2)  second
                   super-diagonal  elements  of  the  matrix U of the
                   factorization of T.
         IN        (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
                   On exit, IN contains details  of  the  permutation
                   matrix  P.  If  an interchange occurred at the kth
                   step of the elimination, then IN(k) = 1, otherwise
                   IN(k)  = 0. The element IN(n) returns the smallest
                   positive integer j such that
                   abs( u(j,j) ).le. norm( (T - lambda*I)(j) )*TOL,
                   where norm( A(j) ) denotes the sum of the absolute
                   values  of the jth row of the matrix A. If no such
                   j exists then IN(n) is returned as zero. If  IN(n)
                   is  returned  as positive, then a diagonal element
                   of U is small, indicating that (T -  lambda*I)  is
                   singular or nearly singular,
         INFO      (output)
                   = 0   : successful exit

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