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Quit (4)
  • >> Quit (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         Quit - terminate an operation or an entire tool
         Quit(in boolean silent,
              in boolean force
              [in messageID operation2Quit]);
         The Quit request terminates an operation or an entire  tool.
         Without  the  optional operation2Quit argument, this request
         asks the handling procid to quit.  If the request  succeeds,
         one  or  more  ToolTalk procids should call tt_close(3), and
         zero or more processes should exit.
         With the optional operation2Quit argument, this request asks
         the  handler  to  terminate the indicated request.  (Whether
         the terminated request must therefore be failed  depends  on
         its semantics.  Often, termination can be considered to mean
         that the requested operation has been  carried  out  to  the
         requester's satisfaction.)
         The Quit request should be failed (and the status  code  set
         appropriately)  when  the  termination  is not performed-for
         example, because the silent argument was false and the  user
         canceled the quit.
         The silent argument affects user  notification  of  termina-
         tion.   If  silent  is  True,  the handler is not allowed to
         block on user input before terminating itself (or the  indi-
         cated  operation).  If it is False, however, the handler may
         seek such input.
         The force argument is a Boolean value indicating whether the
         handler should terminate itself (or the indicated operation)
         even if circumstances are  such  that  the  tool  ordinarily
         would not perform the termination.
         For example, a tool might have a policy of not quitting with
         unsaved  changes  unless the user has been asked whether the
         changes should be saved.  When force is true,  such  a  tool
         should  terminate even when doing so would lose changes that
         the user has not been asked by the tool about saving.
         The operation2Quit argument is the request  that  should  be
         terminated.   For  a  request  to be terminable, the handler
         must have sent a Status notice back to the  requester  (thus
         identifying itself to the requester).
         The ToolTalk service may return one of the following  errors
         in processing the Quit request:
                  The user overrode the Quit request.
                  The operation2Quit argument does not refer  to  any
                  message currently known by the handler.
         The ttdt_session_join(3), and ttdt_message_accept(3),  func-
         tions  can  be  used  to register for, and help process, the
         Quit request.
         In the successful case, ``zero or more'' procids  are  cited
         because  a  single process can instantiate multiple indepen-
         dent procids, and a single procid can conceivably be  imple-
         mented by a set of cooperating processes.
         The Quit request can be sent as in the following example:
              Tt_message msg = tttk_message_create(0, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION,
                          the_recipient_procid, TTDT_QUIT,
              tt_message_iarg_add(msg, TT_IN, Tttk_boolean, 0);
              tt_message_iarg_add(msg, TT_IN, Tttk_boolean, 0);
         Quit can also be sent as a multicast notice, as an edict  to
         all  tools in the scope of the message.  The consequences of
         doing so can be severe and unexpected.
         The silent argument should have its polarity reversed, to be
         like  the  inquisitive argument of several of the Media mes-
         tt_close(3), tt_message_iarg_add(3), tt_message_send(3),
         ttdt_message_accept(3), ttdt_session_join(3).

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