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ab_cardcatalog (4)
  • >> ab_cardcatalog (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         ab_cardcatalog - directory of available AnswerBooks
         $HOME/.ab_cardcatalog, $AB_CARDCATALOG
         AnswerBook card catalogs serve as  directories  for  listing
         and locating AnswerBooks on the local system and on the net-
         work.  The AnswerBook programs  navigator(1),  docviewer(1),
         and  others  depend  on  card  catalogs to list and find all
         available AnswerBooks.
         A card catalog file contains entries for one or more Answer-
         Books.   Each entry provides information on the AnswerBook's
         title, id, version number, and the location of its component
         Use the ab_admin(1) utility to add, delete, modify, or query
         AnswerBook  entries  in  a  card catalog file.  Card catalog
         files are not intended for  hand-editing,  though  they  are
         ASCII files.
         AnswerBook programs that use card catalogs typically consult
         several  of them, if necessary, in order to locate the entry
         for a given AnswerBook.  In particular:
              $HOME/.ab_cardcatalog     entries for personal  Answer-
              $AB_CARDCATALOG           shared, network-wide  Answer-
         When an AnswerBook package is installed on  a  machine,  the
         installation  software  will  create a separate card catalog
         file for that particular AnswerBook.  If that AnswerBook  is
         to  be  shared  among  users  in a network, its card catalog
         entry should be added to the network-wide card catalog  file
         so  that it will be generally available.  See ab_admin(1) or
         the UNKNOWN TITLE ABBREVIATION: ABADMIN for more information
         on sharing AnswerBooks on the network.
         Each AnswerBook entry in a card catalog  file  contains  the
         following fields:
              title       AnswerBook title
              id          AnswerBook id
              version     AnswerBook version number (optional)
              pspath      Full  path  name  of  directory  containing
                          AnswerBook's PostScript files
              tocpath     Full  path  name  of  directory  containing
                          AnswerBook's Table of Contents databases
              indexpath   Full  path  name  of  directory  containing
                          search index files
         The "version" field is optional and serves mainly to distin-
         guish  two  AnswerBooks  that have the same id but different
         content.  All other fields are mandatory
         The format of an entry is a set  of  colon-separated  "field
         name=value"  pairs.   Entries can span more than one line by
         terminating each line  with  a  backslash  character  ('\').
         Blank lines and comment lines (those beginning with '#') are
         The first line of a card catalog file must be the string
              #<Card Catalog> version 1
         which is the "magic number" for  card  catalog  files.   See
         binder(1) for more information on magic numbers.
         Here is a sample card catalog file:
              #<Card Catalog> version 1
              # Sample card catalog entry for My AnswerBook
              title=Title of My AnswerBook: \
              id=MyAB: \
              pspath=/net/my_server/export/AnswerBooks/MyAB/ps: \
              tocpath=/net/my_server/export/AnswerBooks/MyAB/toc: \
              # Sample card catalog entry for Your AnswerBook
              title=Title of Your AnswerBook: \
              id=YourAB: \
              pspath=/net/your_server/export/AnswerBooks/YourAB/ps: \
              tocpath=/net/your_server/export/AnswerBooks/YourAB/toc: \
         ab_admin(1),  answerbook(1),   docviewer(1),   navigator(1),
         Pre-Solaris 2.2 AnswerBooks  use  the  old-style  "bookinfo"
         mechanism,  which has been superseded by card catalogs.  The
         bookinfo files for these AnswerBooks should be converted  to
         card  catalog  files  using  ab_admin(1) in order to work in
         OpenWindows Version 3.2 or higher.
         AnswerBook  is  a  trademark  of  Sun  Microsystems,   Inc.,
         licensed to SunSoft, Inc.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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