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ab_library (4)
  • >> ab_library (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         ab_library - collection of AnswerBooks browsed and  searched
         as a unit
         An AnswerBook library is a group of AnswerBooks that can  be
         browsed  and searched as a unit by navigator(1) (the Answer-
         Book Navigator).  Also included in a library is the list  of
         bookmarks referencing that library's AnswerBooks.
         The default library file is $HOME/.ab_library
         navigator automatically creates a new library for  the  user
         if one does not already exist.  Whenever the AnswerBook user
         adds or deletes an AnswerBook to the library via the naviga-
         tor  "Modify  Library"  pop-up window, navigator saves those
         changes to the library  file  so  that  they  exist  between
         AnswerBook sessions.  Changes to the library's bookmark list
         are similarly saved.
         The AnswerBook library file is created and maintained solely
         by  the  AnswerBook  Navigator.   It  is  not intended to be
         navigator  employs  a  library  file  locking  mechanism  to
         prevent  data  loss  or  corruption  when multiple Navigator
         access the same library file simultaneously.  The  Navigator
         creates  a  lock  file  ( ab_library.lock ).  If a lock file
         already exists, the Navigator informs the user that the file
         is  locked,  then asks whether the user wants to 1) quit, 2)
         access the library in read-only mode,  or  3)  override  the
         lock.   Locks  should only be overridden when they are known
         to be out of date, i.e., the program that created  the  lock
         is  no  longer running.  The Navigator removes the lock file
         it created upon exiting.
              Default AnswerBook library file.
              AnswerBook library advisory locking file.
         AnswerBook  is  a  trademark  of  Sun  Microsystems,   Inc.,
         licensed to SunSoft, Inc.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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