NAME args - TeamWare argument caching file SYNOPSIS Codemgr_wsdata/args DESCRIPTION TeamWare was formerly known as CodeManager. To save users the trouble of specifying file and directory arguments every time the bringover and putback commands are used, the argu- ments are cached in the cws/Codemgr_wsdata/args file. If file, dir or flp (-f) arguments are not specified to subse- quent invocations of bringover, the arguments are taken from the args file as if they were specified on the command-line. The args file contains a list of file or directory names, specified exactly as they were on the command-line, one name per line. The args file is maintained by the bringover and putback commands; they update the file whenever new arguments are specified that cause additional files to be copied. For example, if you create a workspace with the following com- mand: example% bringover -w your_ws -p their_ws /usr/man/man1 the Codemgr_wsdata/args file in your_ws contains: VERSION 1 /usr/man/man1 if you subsequently bring over /usr/man4: example% bringover -w my_ws -p their_ws /usr/man4 the args file is changed to contain: VERSION 1 /usr/man1 /usr/man4 Note that if no arguments are specified, and the Codemgr_wsdata/args file does not exist, bringover will report an error. Users can edit the args file at any time to change its con- tents. SEE ALSO TeamWare User's Guide bringover(1), def.dir.flp(1), fileresolve(1), putback(1), resolve(1), twmerge(1), ws_undo(1), workspace(1), access_control(4), children(4), conflicts(4), history(4), locks(4), nametable(4), notification(4), parent(4), putback.cmt(4)
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