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bil (4)
  • >> bil (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         BIL - Builder Interface Language for the CDE Application
         :bil-version major minor
         :project project_name
         :module module_name
         :element element_name
         BIL, the Builder Interface Language, is a specialized
         representation syntax designed to meet the intermediate
         storage requirements of the CDE Application Builder.  It
         describes the overall attributes of the application (also
         known as a "project"), the modules that it contains, the
         elements that comprise modules, and the behavioral relation-
         ships between objects ("connections").
         BIL is not a compiled language.  It is read and written as
         data by the CDE Application Builder and its associated code
         generator.  Even so, the format of BIL is printable ASCII
         characters with a "human readable" nature, making it possi-
         ble for users to examine the contents of a BIL-formatted
         file and to process a BIL file using simple ASCII string-
         oriented tools and techniques.
         Two distinct types of BIL files are recognized by the CDE
         Application Builder.  One type is known as a project file,
         and is used to describe overall attributes of the project
         (application) as well as identify the modules that comprise
         it.  It will also contain any cross-module information, such
         as connections that bind together objects in different
         A second type of BIL file exists for each module and is
         known as a module file.  It contains all module-specific
         information, including definition of the elements that
         comprise the module and connections that exist within it.
         BIL is structured in an object-oriented fashion.  Objects
         are defined and named, and sets of parenthesis are used to
         enclose declarations of all the object's attributes. Object
         types recognized by BIL include project, module, element and
         :bil-version major minor
              Version information is useful to the CDE Application
              Builder and code generators in determining how to han-
              dle BIL files that may date from earlier releases.
         :project project_name
              The :project directive names the project (application).
              It encloses a declaration of project_attributes as well
              as a list of any cross-module connections that may
              exist within the project.
         :module module_name
              The :module directive names a module.  It encloses a
              declaration of all elements that comprise the module as
              well as a list of any connections that may exist within
              the module.
         :element element_name
              The :element directive names an element.  It encloses a
              declaration of all element_attributes, including a list
              of any children that may be part of the element.
              The :connection directive names a connection and speci-
              fies its attributes.  It can occur as part of a project
              or a module.
              The :children directive appears as an attribute of any
              element which contains ("parents") other elements.  It
              encloses a list of all child elements, referencing each
              by its element name.
         Project, element and connection attributes take the form:
              :attribute_name        attribute_value
         Where attribute_name is an attribute appropriate for the
         project, element or connection, and attribute_value is typed
         according to the attribute. Attribute types include integer,
         string, object name, and keyword, where the keyword is one
         of a fixed list used by BIL to identify specific data values
         (e.g. :true, :none).  Some attribute values are ordered N-
         tuples, in which case the complete set is enclosed in
         Comments may be placed in a BIL file by starting a line with
         two slashes (//).  Any comments that occur in a BIL file
         prior to the :bil-version line will be preserved by the CDE
         Application Builder across successive updates to the file.
         Comments that occur after the :bil-version line will not be
         The following is an example of a project file:
              :bil-version        1 0
              :project todotool
                  :files          (main_window.bil task_dialog.bil)
                  :from           main_window.add_item_btn
                  :to             task_dialog.task_dialog
                  :when           :activate
                  :action-type    :builtin
                  :action         :show
                  :arg-type       :void
         A typical module file would contain:
              :bil-version        1 0
              :module             task_dialog
              :element            task_dialog
                  :type           :dialog
                  :x              649
                  :y              499
                  :width          354
                  :height         57
                  :bg-color       "white"
                  :label          "Adding a New Task"
                  :resizable      :true
                  :has-footer     :false
                  :visible        :false
                  :children       (
              :element            ctrl_panel
                  :type           :container
                  :container-type :relative
                  :x              0
                  :y              0
                  :width          354
                  :height         57
                  :visible        :true
                  :border-frame   :none
                  :north-attachment(:obj task_dialog 0)
                  :south-attachment(:obj task_dialog 0)
                  :east-attachment(:obj task_dialog 0)
                  :west-attachment(:point 0 0)
                  :children       (
              :element            task
                  :type           :text-field
                  :text-type      :alphanumeric
                  :x              28
                  :y              6
                  :width          -1
                  :height         -1
                  :border-frame   :none
                  :label-type     :string
                  :label          "Task:"
                  :label-position :west
                  :num-columns    32
                  :max-length     80
                  :read-only      :false
                  :active         :true
                  :visible        :true
                  :north-attachment(:point 0 6)
                  :south-attachment(:none 0 0)
                  :east-attachment(:none 0 0)
                  :west-attachment(:point 0 28)
              :element            activate_panel
                  :type           :container
                  :container-type :activate
                  :x              -1
                  :y              -1
                  :width          -1
                  :height         -1
                  :visible        :true
                  :border-frame   :etched-in
                  :children       (
              :element            ok_button
                  :type           :button
                  :button-type    :push-button
                  :x              -1
                  :y              -1
                  :width          -1
                  :height         -1
                  :border-frame   :none
                  :label-type     :string
                  :label          "OK"
                  :active         :true
                  :visible        :true
                  :north-attachment(:grid-line 5 0)
                  :south-attachment(:grid-line 95 0)
                  :east-attachment(:grid-line 30 0)
                  :west-attachment(:grid-line 10 0)
              :element            cancel_button
                  :type           :button
                  :button-type    :push-button
                  :x              -1
                  :y              -1
                  :width          -1
                  :height         -1
                  :border-frame   :none
                  :label-type     :string
                  :label          "Cancel"
                  :active         :true
                  :visible        :true
                  :north-attachment(:grid-line 5 0)
                  :south-attachment(:grid-line 95 0)
                  :east-attachment(:grid-line 60 0)
                  :west-attachment(:grid-line 40 0)
              :element            help_button
                  :type           :button
                  :button-type    :push-button
                  :x              -1
                  :y              -1
                  :width          -1
                  :height         -1
                  :border-frame   :none
                  :label-type     :string
                  :label          "Help"
                  :active         :true
                  :visible        :true
                  :north-attachment(:grid-line 5 0)
                  :south-attachment(:grid-line 95 0)
                  :east-attachment(:grid-line 90 0)
                  :west-attachment(:grid-line 70 0)
                  :from           ok_button
                  :to             task_dialog
                  :when           :activate
                  :action-type    :builtin
                  :action         :hide
                  :arg-type       :void
                  :from           cancel_button
                  :to             task_dialog
                  :when           :activate
                  :action-type    :builtin
                  :action         :hide
                  :arg-type       :void
                  :from           ok_button
                  :when           :create
                  :action-type    :call-function
                  :action         confirm_taskCB
                  :arg-type       :void
                  :from           cancel_button
                  :when           :create
                  :action-type    :call-function
                  :action         cancel_taskCB
                  :arg-type       :void
         Applications and application developers typically do not
         work directly with BIL files, instead using them indirectly
         through the CDE Application Builder.  It may, however, be
         useful for them to understand the layout and scope of BIL to
         satisfy particular application development needs (e.g. to
         add specialized comments to BIL files or to examine them to
         examine useful information (such as help text built-into a
         dtbuilder(1) dtcodegen(1)

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