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parent (4)
  • >> parent (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         parent - Path name of a workspace's parent
         The file ws/Codemgr_wsdata/parent (where ws is the name of a
         workspace)  is  a  text  file that contains the path name of
         ws's parent workspace.
         The parent file is created by the bringover command when  it
         creates  a  new  child workspace, or by the workspace parent
         command if the workspace workspace  was  originally  created
         with the workspace create command (and thus had no parent).
         The following commands consult this file to obtain the  name
         of a workspace's parent:
         o  bringover
         o  putback
         o  workspace parent
         o  workspace parent
         The following files modify the contents of the parent file
         o  workspace delete
         o  workspace move
         o  workspace parent
         TeamWare was formerly known as  CodeManager.  TeamWare  com-
         mands specify parent workspace names in one of two formats:
         1) host_name:path_name
            This format is used when the parent directory is  mounted
            to  the  local  file  system via the mount command.  This
            format ensures that the directory can be reached if users
            mount remote directories to different path names on their
            local host file systems.
         2) path_name
            This format is used when the parent directory is  mounted
            via  the  automounter.  By using the simple path name, it
            is assumed that users sharing  workspaces  use  the  same
            automounter maps and that path names from local host file
            systems will be consistent.
         TeamWare User's Guide
         bringover(1), def.dir.flp(1), filemerge(1),  fileresolve(1),
         putback(1),     resolve(1),     ws_undo(1),    workspace(1),
         access_control(4), args(4), children(4), conflicts(4),  his-
         tory(4),     locks(4),     nametable(4),    notification(4),

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