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rasterfile (4)
  • >> rasterfile (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         rasterfile - Sun's file format for raster images
         #include <rasterfile.h>
         A rasterfile is composed of three parts:   first,  a  header
         containing  8  integers;  second,  a (possibly empty) set of
         colormap values; and third, the pixel image, stored  a  line
         at a time, in increasing y order.  The image is layed out in
         the file as in a memory pixrect.  Each line of the image  is
         rounded up to the nearest 16 bits.
         The header is defined by the following structure:
              struct rasterfile {
                   int  ras_magic;
                   int  ras_width;
                   int  ras_height;
                   int  ras_depth;
                   int  ras_length;
                   int  ras_type;
                   int  ras_maptype;
                   int  ras_maplength;
         The ras_magic field always contains the following constant:
              #define   RAS_MAGIC 0x59a66a95
         The ras_width, ras_height, and ras_depth fields contain  the
         image's  width  and  height in pixels, and its depth in bits
         per pixel, respectively.   The  depth  is  either  1  or  8,
         corresponding   to   standard   frame  buffer  depths.   The
         ras_length field contains the length in bytes of  the  image
         data.   For  an  unencoded  image, this number is computable
         from the ras_width, ras_height, and  ras_depth  fields,  but
         for  an  encoded image it must be explicitly stored in order
         to be available without decoding the  image  itself.   Note:
         the  length of the header and of the (possibly empty) color-
         map values are not included in the value of  the  ras_length
         field;  it  is  only  the image data length.  For historical
         reasons, files of type RT_OLD will usually have a 0  in  the
         ras_length  field,  and software expecting to encounter such
         files should be prepared to compute the  actual  image  data
         length  if needed.  The ras_maptype and ras_maplength fields
         contain the type and length in bytes of the colormap values,
         respectively.   If  ras_maptype  is  not  RMT_NONE  and  the
         ras_maplength is not 0, then the  colormap  values  are  the
         ras_maplength  bytes  immediately  after  the header.  These
         values are either  uninterpreted  bytes  (usually  with  the
         ras_maptype  set  to RMT_RAW) or the equal length red, green
         and blue vectors, in that order  (when  the  ras_maptype  is
         RMT_EQUAL_RGB).  In  the latter case, the ras_maplength must
         be three times the size in bytes of any one of the vectors.

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