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ttDesktop (4)
  • >> ttDesktop (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         ttDesktop - introduction to desktop messaging policy
         The Desktop message policies apply to any tool in a POSIX or
         X11(7)  environment.   In  addition to standard messages for
         these environments, the Desktop policies define  data  types
         and  error  codes  that apply to all of the ToolTalk message
                  Do_Command(        in      string      command,
                                     out     string      results] );
                  Set_Environment(   in      string      variable,
                                     in      string      value
                                                         [...] );
                  Get_Environment(   in      string      variable,
                                     out     string      value
                                                         [...] );
                  Set_Geometry(      inout   width       w
                                     inout   height      h
                                     inout   xOffset     x
                                     inout   yOffset     y
                                     [in     messageID   commission] );
                  Set_Iconified(     in      boolean     iconic
                                     [in     messageID   commission] );
                  Set_Locale(        in      string      category,
                                     in      string      locale
                                                         [...] );
                  Get_Locale(        in      string      category,
                                     out     string      locale
                                                         [...] );
                  Set_Mapped(        in      boolean     mapped
                                     [in     messageID   commission] );
         [file]   Modified(          in      type        ID );
         [file]   Reverted(          in      type        ID );
         [file]   Get_Modified(      in      type        ID,
                                     out     boolean     modified );
                  Pause(             [in     messageID   operation] );
                  Quit(              in      boolean     silent,
                                     in      boolean     force
                                     [in     messageID   operation2Quit] );
                  Raise(             [in     messageID   commission] );
         [file]   Save(              in      type        ID );
         [file]   Revert(            in      type        ID );
         [file]   Saved(             in      type        ID );
                  Set_Situation(     in      string      path );
                  Get_Situation(     out     string      path );
                  Signal(            in      string      theSignal );
                  Started(           in      string      vendor,
                                     in      string      toolName,
                                     in      string      toolVersion );
                  Stopped(           in      string      vendor,
                                     in      string      toolName,
                                     in      string      toolVersion );
                  Status(            in      string      status,
                                     in      string      vendor,
                                     in      string      toolName,
                                     in      string      toolVersion
                                     [in     messageID   commission]);
                  Get_Status(        out     string      status,
                                     out     string      vendor,
                                     out     string      toolName,
                                     out     string      toolVersion
                                     [in     messageID   operation2Query]);
                  Get_Sysinfo(       out     string      sysname,
                                     out     string      nodename,
                                     out     string      release,
                                     out     string      version,
                                     out     string      machine );
                  Get_XInfo(         out     string      display,
                                     out     string      visual,
                                     out     integer     depth
                                     [in     messageID   commission] );
         A vtype for logical values.  The  underlying  data  type  of
         boolean  is integer; that is, arguments of this vtype should
         be    manipulated     with     tt_*_arg_ival[_set]()     and
         tt_*_iarg_add().  Zero means false; non-zero means true.
         A vtype for uniquely identifying messages.   The  underlying
         data type of messageID is string; that is, arguments of this
         vtype should be manipulated  with  tt_*_arg_val[_set]()  and
         tt_*_arg_add().   The  messageID of a Tt_message is returned
         by tt_message_id().
         Any of the vtypes that are the name of the kind  of  objects
         in  a particular system of persistent objects.  For example,
         the vtype for the kind of objects in  filesystems  is  File.
         The vtype for ToolTalk objects is ToolTalk_Object.
         Names of arguments that appear in several of the messages in
         the  Desktop  suite  of  messages.   These  strings  are not
         defined rigorously; they merely should be presentable to the
         user  as  descriptions  of  these  three  attributes  of the
         relevant procid.
         1102 ITT_DESKTOP_ENOENT
              No such file or directory
         1113 TT_DESKTOP_EACCES
              Permission denied
         1122 TT_DESKTOP_EINVAL
              Invalid argument
              An  argument's  value  was  not  valid  in  these  cir-
              cumstances  --  e.g.,  a locale in Set_Locale() that is
              not   valid   on   the   handler's   host.     However,
              TT_DESKTOP_EINVAL  should  only  be  used when no more-
              specific     status      (e.g.       TT_DESKTOP_ENOMSG,
              TT_DESKTOP_EPROTO ) applies.
         1135 TT_DESKTOP_ENOMSG
              No message of desired type
              A messageID does not refer  to  any  message  currently
              known by the handler.
         1171 TT_DESKTOP_EPROTO
              Protocol error
              A message does could not be understood, because
                 o a required argument was omitted
                 o an argument had the wrong vtype, or  a  vtype  not
                   allowed  in  this  message  --  e.g.,  boolean  in
                 o an argument had the wrong Tt_mode
                 o an argument's value was not legal for its vtype --
                   e.g., negative values for width in Set_Geometry()
                 o an argument's value was not legal for this message
                   --    e.g.,    PATH=/foo    as   a   variable   in
              In general, TT_DESKTOP_EPROTO means that one could  see
              that  the  request  is malformed simply by comparing it
              with the reference page for the message.
              Operation canceled
              The  operation  was  canceled  because  of  direct   or
              indirect  user  intervention.   An  example of indirect
              intervention is termination  of  the  handling  process
              caused  by  the  user,  or receipt of a Quit() request.
              (All  messages  should  be   taken   as   authentically
              representing  the wishes of the user whose uid is indi-
              cated by tt_message_uid().)
         1148 TT_DESKTOP_ENOTSUP
              Operation not supported
              The  requested  operation  is  not  supported  by  this
              handler.    Normally,  a  well-formed  request  that  a
              handler     does     not     support     should      be
              tt_message_reject()ed,  thus  causing  it  to fail with
              TT_ERR_NO_MATCH if no supporting handler can  be  found
              or  started.  But sometimes a handler can safely assume
              that, if it rejects a request, no other handler will be
              able  to perform the operation.  Examples: a TT_HANDLER
              -addressed  request  such  as  Set_Iconified(),  or   a
              request  referring  to  state  that  is managed by this
              handler and no other.  In these cases, it is better  to
              explicitly fail the request with TT_DESKTOP_ENOTSUP, in
              order to  distinguish  the  case  of  an  incompletely-
              implemented  handler  from the case of the absence of a
              TT_ERR_UNIMP  should  not   be   used   in   place   of
              TT_DESKTOP_ENOTSUP,  because  TT_ERR_UNIMP means that a
              particular feature of ToolTalk  itself  is  not  imple-
              Operation does not apply to unmodified entities
         The vtype namespace for persistent  objects  currently  only
         contains  File  and  ToolTalk_Object.   Vendors  who wish to
         define a type should either give it a  vendor-specific  name
         or  register it through SunSoft's Developer Integration For-
         mat Registration program.  SunSoft can be reached at  1-800-
         ttsession(1), intro(2), X11(7), Intro(TTPolicy)

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