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tttracefile (4)
  • >> tttracefile (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         tttracefile - script of settings for ToolTalk tracing
         A tttrace script contains  settings  that  control  ToolTalk
         calls  and  messages.  A tttrace script consists of commands
         separated by semicolons or newlines.  The first command must
         be the version command.
         If conflicting values are given  for  a  setting,  the  last
         value wins.
         version n
              The version of the  tttracefile  command  syntax  used.
              The current version is 1.
         follow [off | on]
              Sets whether to  follow  all  children  forked  by  the
              traced  client  or  subsequently  started in the traced
              session.  Default is off.
         [> | >>] outfile
              File to be used for  the  trace  output.   By  default,
              trace  output  goes  to  standard  error.  Normal sh(1)
              interpretation of > and >> applies.
         functions [all | none | func...]
              ToolTalk API functions  to  trace.   func  may  include
              sh(1) wildcard characters. Default is all.
         attributes [all | none]
              none means use only a single line when printing a  mes-
              sage  on  the trace output.  all means print all attri-
              butes, arguments, and context slots of traced messages.
              Default is none.
         states [none | edge | deliver | dispatch | Tt_state]...
              State(s) through which to trace messages.  In  addition
              to the Tt_states defined in tt_c.h, valid states are:
                 o none - disable all message tracing
                 o edge - messages  entering  initial  (TT_SENT)  and
                   final (TT_HANDLED, TT_FAILED) states.
                 o  deliver  -  all  state  changes  and  all  client
                 o dispatch - deliver + all patterns  considered  for
                   matching.  (default)
         ops toTrace...
         sender_ptypes toTrace...
         handler_ptypes toTrace...
              Trace messages that have toTrace as  a  value  for  the
              indicated message attribute.  toTrace may include sh(1)
              wildcard  characters.   If  no  toTrace   argument   is
              included  for  a given message attribute, then no value
              of that attribute excludes a message from tracing.
         A word beginning with # causes that word and all the follow-
         ing characters up to a newline to be ignored.
         To trace all attribute-getting and -setting messages sent by
         ptype starting with "Dt",
              version 1
              ops Get* Set*
              sender_ptypes Dt*
         To trace only ToolTalk function calls (but not messages)  in
         a process tree,
              version 1; follow on; states none
         ttsession(1),  tttrace(1),  the   Session_Trace()   ToolTalk

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