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  • >> (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
    NAME -  defaults for the Sun  Ray  Settings
         GUI application
         The files listed above are standard  Java  properties  files
         that  can  contain  defaults that customize the operation of
         the Sun Ray Settings application. Each file contains entries
         in the format
         where "name" is the property name and "value" is  the  value
         to set it to.
         None of these properties  files  are  required  for  correct
         operation  of the Sun Ray Settings GUI. If none are present,
         the application will use reasonable application defaults.
         When the application starts, it  looks  for  and  reads  the
         files  in  the  order  listed  below.   Note that a property
         specified in a file can be overridden by files read later in
         the search order. The search order is:
         1.  /etc/opt/SUNWut/
            (site-wide defaults)
         2. ~/
            (user's defaults)
         3.  /etc/opt/SUNWut/
            (site-wide mandatory defaults)
         The site-wide defaults file is read in  first  and  contains
         helpful  default  properties for the program to use as fall-
         backs if the user has  not  specified  any.  Any  properties
         specified here override any application defaults.
         The user defaults file is read  in  next  and  contains  the
         user's  preferred  values for the properties. Any properties
         specified  here  override  any  application   or   site-wide
         Finally, the site-wide mandatory properties file is read in.
         This  file contains site-wide mandatory settings that cannot
         be overridden by the user.  Any  properties  specified  here
         override  any  application,  site-wide or user defaults. For
         example, if a site wanted to mandate a specific Settings GUI
         hotkey  for all Sun Ray enterprise appliances connected to a
         server, they would specify it in this file.
         The supported application properties are listed  below.  For
         each  property,  the  name, description, application default
         and some examples are given. The application default is  the
         property  value  that  the  application  defaults  to if not
         specified in any properties files.
         Name  hotkey
               Specifies the hotkey that causes the Sun Ray  Settings
               GUI  (when  started  in  -H  "hot  key"  mode  or  via
               utslaunch(1M) ) to show itself or hide  itself.    The
               value is a valid X keysym name preceded by one or more
               of the supported modifiers (Ctrl, Shift,  Alt,  Meta),
               in any order.
         Application Default
               Shift SunProps (Hold down Shift and  press  the  Props
               Shift F4
               Ctrl Shift Alt F5
              F11 and F12 are not valid for utsettings.hotkey.
         Example 1: The following is the sample contents of a proper-
         ties  file.  The  values  shown  below  are  the application
         defaults that would be in  effect  if  no  properties  files
          utsettings.hotkey=Shift SunProps
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
        |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
        | Availability                | SUNWutr                     |
         utsettings(1), utslaunch(1M)

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