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runpcdviewer (6)
  • >> runpcdviewer (6) ( Solaris man: Игры )
         runpcdviewer - reads and displays photocd images through the
         invocation of a pcdviewer program
         runpcdviewer [ -d cd_path ][ -a audio_path ][ -c  colorspace
         ][ -p default_directory ][ -h ][ -sdk ][ -k ]
         runpcdviewer is a shell script which sets up  the  resources
         for  and  invokes  the  execution  of  a demo program called
         pcdviewer.  This program finds the directory which is  serv-
         ing  as the mount point for the cdrom containing the photocd
         disk and reads the disk.  It displays thumbnail versions  of
         each image on the disk as well as the first base image.  The
         user may then invoke the "I" or information button to  guide
         him  through  the  various display options.  The text of the
         information is included below.
              Reading images off of a CD is by  its  nature  a  rela-
              tively  slow  process.   Though  XIL  cannot  make  the
              transfer rate off of the CD  faster  the  easy  to  use
              region of interest capabilities of XIL make it possible
              to process images in pieces so  that  the  program  can
              continue  to be responsive even when doing an operation
              which takes a long time. As you use this program try to
              remember  that you don't need to wait for operations to
              complete to do other operations.
              The  contact  sheet  area  is  a  scrollable  list   of
              thumbnail images. These images are produced with XIL by
              loading the smallest version of the image (192 by  128)
              and  scaling  it down to 96 by 64. The thumbnail frames
              are created  immediately  when  the  CD  is  open.  The
              thumbnails  themselves  load  as  time permits. You may
              begin browsing through  the  list  before  all  of  the
              thumbnails  are loaded. Selecting a thumbnail will make
              it the current image. If any of the image  windows  are
              open  they  will be updated to show the selected image.
              Selecting another thumbnail will interrupt any  loading
              and restart the loading of the new image.
              This button ejects the CD and waits for a new CD to  be
              inserted. When a new CD is inserted the thumbnails will
              be loaded automatically.  Allow a few seconds  for  the
              CD to be mounted.
              This button brings up the remote  control  window.  The
              remote  control  window provides a simple interface for
              selecting images by number, rotating images, and  step-
              ping  through  the  images. If the CD in the drive is a
              Portfolio CD the remote control uses the  same  buttons
              as  well  as  a  few  more  to  allow  the user to make
              choices, pause, and advance through the presentation.
              This button brings up a description of the CD which  is
              currently  in  the drive. It provides the serial number
              of the CD, the creation date,  the  last  time  it  was
              modified,  the  number  of images on the CD, the dimen-
              sions of the highest resolution image on  the  CD,  and
              the  number  of  sessions that are on the CD. If the CD
              drive on the system is not a multisession CD the number
              of  sessions  will always be 1 and only the images from
              the first session will be readable. This information is
              provided  for  demonstration  purposes  only and is not
              available through the XIL interface.
              This button brings up a description  of  the  currently
              selected  image.   It  provides  the date the image was
              scanned, information about what it was scanned off  of,
              as  well  as who scanned it. For images which have been
              modified since it was scanned the magnification  factor
              and the date of last modification are provided.  A copy
              of the slide is also provided. The slide  is  identical
              to  the slides in the main panel and can be selected to
              make it the currently displayed image.  More than 1  of
              these  windows  can  be displayed at once allowing com-
              parisons of information  as  well  as  the  ability  to
              easily  switch  between  2 or more images which are far
              apart in the scrollable list. This information is  pro-
              vided for demonstration purposes only and is not avail-
              able throught the XIL interface.
              This button brings up the 768x512 version of the image.
              Using  XIL  the  image  is  read, converted to RGB, and
              dithered if necessary.  Using regions of  interest  the
              image  is  loaded  a small piece at a time allowing the
              program to continue to be responsive while the image is
         4BASE 16BASE 64BASE
              When enabled these buttons provide access to the higher
              resolution images (1536 by 1024, 3072 by 2048, and 6144
              by 4096 respectively).   Most  images  do  not  have  a
              64Base  version  and  some  do not have 4Base or 16Base
              version. As with the base image these images are loaded
              and processed using XIL. Using XIL's region of interest
              capability only the  portion  of  the  image  which  is
              displayed is read off of the CD allowing access to por-
              tions of the higher resolution images faster than  with
              other  programs.  Once  a section has been loaded it is
              saved so you may notice  the  program  takes  a  little
              while  to  display  the  image when you first look at a
              particular portion but will quickly redisplay it if you
              leave  that  area and then return to it. Use the scroll
              bars to change your view of the image. Resize the  win-
              dow to see more of the image at once.
              This button brings up the Image Save window.  The Image
              Save window allows PhotoCD images to be saved as either
              Sun Raster or Tiff  files  with  a  colorspace  or  RGB
              linear  or  RGB  CCIR 709. The program will continue to
              operate while the image is being saved (it often  takes
              a  while for higher resolution images to be read off of
              the CD and decompressed) including bringing up  another
              Image  Save  window  to save another image. If an image
              save is already in progress additional  saves  will  be
              queued  up  rather  than  happening  simultaneously  to
              prevent system thrashing and problems with insufficient
              memory.  To  allow confirmation of successful write the
              window does not go away automatically. Use  the  cancel
              button  to  dismiss  the window when the "Done" message
              appears or change the settings and save again.
              The help button brings up this information in a scroll-
              able window.
              This demonstration was developed for  SunSoft  Inc.  by
              Makitso  Graphics on a single 66Mhz 486 running Solaris
              2.1 for x86, SunPro C 2.0.1, XIL 2.2, and Motif 1.2.2.
         -d cd_path specifies a path name to the cd images
         -a audio_path specifies the path name to audio files
         -c colorspace species the  colorspace  to  use  for  photocd
         colorspace  conversion  -  one  of the valid xil colorspaces
         (photocd iamges are in "photoycc" space).
         -h lists the above available options
         -sdk requests use of the  sdk  color  cube.   It  creates  a
         colorcube with reds=6 greens=7 blues=4, red changes fastest.
         This is so the colormap is the  same  as  other  SDK  demos.
         Otherwise the standard xil colorcube will be used.
         -k requests that the photocd images be  passed  through  the
         KCMS  color  correction profiles.  At this time, the default
         profiles are kcmsEKphcdcn04.inp for the  photocd  image  and
         the  default  configured  visual  profile  for  the  current
         machine  (or  kcmsEKcorona04.mon  monitor  profile  if   the
         machine  had  not  been  configured).   If the user sets the
         environment variable, KCMS_PCD_PROFILE, to a photocd profile
         name,  that will be uses instead of the default photocd pro-
         file.  It is intended that the usr configure (and calibrate,
         if possible) the monitor prior to running this program.
         Example 1:
              example% runpcdviewer -k
         start the pcdviewer  program  and  correct  the  image  data
         through  KCMS  device  profiles  using kcmsEKphcdcn04 as the
         input profile (if  KCMS_PCD_PROFILE  is  not  set)  and  the
         default configured visual (assuming either kcms_configure or
         kcms_calibrate has been run).
         KCMS_PROFILES is a colon separated list of directories  con-
         taining  profiles. The KCMS library will search this list of
         directories   if   the    environment    variable    exists.
         KCMS_PCD_PROFILE may be set to the name of an alternate pho-
         tocd profile, which will override the hard-coded one.
         kcms_create(6),       kcms_update(6),      kcmstest_tiff(6),
         kcms_photocd, kcms_calibrate(1)
         runpcdviewer will display errors relating to  profile  exis-
         tance and access.

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