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tcx (7)
  • >> tcx (7) ( Solaris man: Макропакеты и соглашения )
         tcx - 24-bit SBus color memory frame buffer
         tcx is a 8/24-bit color frame buffer and graphics  accelera-
         tor,  with 8-bit colormap and overlay/enable planes. It pro-
         vides  the  standard  frame  buffer  interface  defined   in
         fbio(7I).  sbus-slot is the Sbus slot number.  (See  sbus(4)
         for more information.) offset is the device offset. X is the
         kernel-assigned device number.
         tcx has two control planes which define how  the  underlying
         pixel  is  displayed.   The  display modes are 8-bit (8 bits
         taken from low-order 8 bits of pixel)  through  a  colormap;
         24-bit  through a gamma-correction table; 24-bit through the
         colormap; or 24-bit direct.  The colormap is shared by  both
         24-bit and 8-bit modes.
         The tcx has registers and memory that  may  be  mapped  with
         There is an 8-bit only version of  tcx  which  operates  the
         same  as  the 24-bit version, except that the 24-bit-related
         mappings can not be made.
         tcx  accepts  the  following  ioctl(2)  calls,  defined   in
         <sys/fbio.h>   and  <sys/visual_io.h>,  and  implemented  as
         described in fbio(7I).
         FBIOGATTR                FBIOGCURSOR
         FBIOGTYPE                FBIOSCURPOS
         FBIOPUTCMAP              FBIOGCURPOS
         FBIOGETCMAP              FBIOGCURMAX
         FBIOSATTR                FBIOGXINFO
         FBIOSVIDEO               FBIOMONINFO
         FBIOGVIDEO               FBIOVRTOFFSET
         VIS_GETIDENTIFIER returns "SUNW,tcx".
         Emulation  mode  (FBIOGATTR,  FBIOSATTR)   may   be   either
         FBTYPE_SUN3COLOR  or  FBTYPE_MEMCOLOR. Set emulation mode to
         21 (FBTYPE_LASTPLUSONE) to turn emulation  off.  Changes  to
         emulation mode (via FBIOSATTR) take place immediately.  Emu-
         lation may be turned off manually by setting  emu_type field
         of the  fbsattr structure to  21. Emulation mode is reset to
         default on reboot.
         FBIOPUTCMAP returns immediately, although the actual  color-
         map  update  may be delayed until the next vertical retrace.
         If vertical retrace is currently in progress, the new color-
         map takes effect immediately.
         FBIOGETCMAP returns immediately  with  the  currently-loaded
         colormap, unless a colormap write is pending (see above), in
         which case it waits until the  colormap  is  updated  before
         returning.   This  may be used to  synchronize software with
         colormap updates.
         The size and linebytes values returned by FBIOGATTR,  FBIOG-
         TYPE  and FBIOGXINFO are the sizes of the 8-bit framebuffer.
         The proper way to compute the size of a framebuffer  mapping
         The information returned in the dev_specific  field  by  the
         FBIOGATTR ioctl is as follows:
         dev_specific[0] is the tcx capabilities mask:
        |        Name           Hex Value                  Meaning           |
        | STIP_ALIGN            0xf              stipple alignment constraint|
        | C_PLANES              0xf0             # of control planes         |
        | BLIT_WIDTH            0xf00            maximum blit width          |
        | BLIT_HEIGHT           0xf000           maximum blit height         |
        | STIP_ROP              0x10000          stipple-with-rop supported  |
        | BLIT_ROP              0x20000          blit-with-rop supported     |
        | 24_BIT                0x40000          24-bit support              |
        | HW_CURSOR             0x80000          hardware cursor             |
        | PLANE_MASK            0x100000         plane mask support for 8-bit|
        |                                        stipple                     |
         dev_specific[1] is the kernel  address  for  8-bit  mapping.
         This  is useful only to other device drivers, and should not
         be used outside the kernel.
               device special file
               default frame buffer
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
        |    ATTRIBUTE TYPE   |            ATTRIBUTE VALUE          |
        | Architecture        |  SPARCstation 4, SPARCstation 5     |
         ioctl(2), mmap(2), sbus(4), attributes(5), fbio(7I)

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