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xt (7)
  • >> xt (7) ( Solaris man: Макропакеты и соглашения )
         xt - driver for Xylogics 472 1/2 inch tape controller
         The Xylogics 472 tape controller  controls  Pertec-interface
         1/2"  tape drives such as the Fujitsu M2444 and the CDC Key-
         stone III. The xt driver provides a standard tape  interface
         to the device; see mtio(7I) for details.
         The xt driver supports the character device  interface.  The
         driver  can  be  opened  with  either  rewind on close or no
         rewind on close options. The tape  format  and  options  are
         specified using the device name (see FILES below).
      EOT Handling
         The user will be notified of end of tape (EOT) on write by a
         0 byte count returned the first time this is attempted. This
         write must be retried by the user. Subsequent writes will be
         successful  until  the tape winds off the reel. Reading past
         EOT is transparent to the user.
         See mtio(7I) for a list of ioctls available  for  tape  dev-
         ices.   However,  not  all  devices  support all ioctls. The
         driver returns an  ENOTTY error on unsupported ioctls.
         1/2" tape devices do not support the  tape  retension  func-
               The driver is opened for write access and the tape  is
               write protected.
         EBUSY The tape drive is in use by another process.  Only one
               process can use the tape drive at a time.
               The requested number of bytes for a read operation  is
               less than the actual record length on the tape.
         EIO   During opening, the tape device is not  ready  because
               either  no  tape  is in the drive, or the drive is not
               on-line.  Once open, this error  is  returned  if  the
               requested I/O transfer could not be completed.
               This indicates that the tape device does  not  support
               the requested ioctl function.
         ENXIO During opening, the tape device does not exist.
                    driver module
                    driver configuration file
                    raw devices
         For raw devices l,m specifies the density (low, medium), and
         b  the  optional  BSD  behavior  (see  mtio(7I))  and  n the
         optional  no  rewind  behavior.  For  example  /dev/rmt/0lbn
         specifies unit 0, low density, BSD behavior, and no rewind.
         For 1/2" reel tape devices, the densities are:
         l     typically 1600 BPI density
         m     typically 6250 BPI density
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
       |        ATTRIBUTE TYPE       |        ATTRIBUTE VALUE      |
       | ____________________________|_____________________________|_
       |  Architecture               |  SPARC   (Sun-4/200,    Sun-|
       |                             |  4/300, and Sun-4/400 series|
       |                             |  only)                      |
         ioctl(2), driver.conf(4), attributes(5), mtio(7I)
         Record sizes are restricted to an even number of bytes.
         The EOT  handling  for  write  operation  differs  from  the
         mtio(7I) specification.

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