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Обобщенный отчет за 25 марта 2025 г.

  • << Предыдущий день

    Группа: Программирование и web-технологии

    - 161 IT-ваканся в Резерв+. Зроста кльксть вдгукв вд жнок


    - Гараж, балкони та кт-контроль. Фотоогляд робочих мсць айтвцв, як збирають дрони


    - Укрзалзниця готуться до вдновлення онлайн-сервсв. Пасажирам дозволили купувати квитки в потягах

    Группа: Linux

    - Mirantis Is Giving Two Kubernetes Projects to CNCF


    - 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: March 23rd, 2025


    - Linux Kernel 6.14 Released, HereБ─≥s WhatБ─≥s New


    - How to Install Emby Media Server on Debian 12


    - Bash Function to Sort Docker Ps Output


    - Linux Kernel 6.14 Officially Released, This Is WhatБ─≥s New


    - SUSECON '25: Expanding Open Source in Cloud, Edge, and AI


    - Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Apple iMovie


    - Btrfs Adding Fast/Realtime Zstd Compression & Other Performance Optimizations


    - OSIБ─≥s Questionable Election Returns Questionable Results


    - Bcachefs Aims For "Soft Frozen" On-Disk Format With Linux 6.15 Along With New Features


    - GNOME 48 lands with performance boosts, new fonts, better accessibility


    - GNU Linux-Libre 6.14 Kernel Released for Those Seeking 100% Freedom for Their PCs

    - Linux 6.14 Released


    - Linux-Assistant is a Tool You Didn't Know You Needed!


    - Enable 3/4 Finger Dragging in Ubuntu via Libinput 2.18.0


    - DragonFly BSD Digest and BSDs in 2025


    - Open Hardware: Flipper Zero, Raspberry Pi, and More


    - Open Source Initiative Election Shenanigans, LINUX Unplugged, and This Week in Linux


    - Red Hat: "IBM to Slash Nearly 9,000 Jobs in US" and Fedora 42, SCaLE22x Etc.


    - Free and Open Source Software


    - Raspberry Pi rpi-image-gen and Raspberry Pi Add PoE


    - GIMP 3.0.2 Image Editor Improves the Flatpak Bundle and Fixes Various Issues


    - This Week in KDE Apps: Stability improvements in KDE PIM-land, and polls in NeoChat


    - today's leftovers


    - Games: Stellaris 4.0 'Phoenix', EmuDeck 2.4, The Dark Mod 2.13, and More


    - I recommend these 3 best Linux distros for gamers ditching Windows


    - GNU Head, Stallman's katana, and Internet Hall of Fame medal auctioned off to free software community members


    - OSIБ─≥s Questionable Election Returns Questionable Results


    - 5 ways I use regex in Linux (and why they're so essential)


    - 5 Linux terminal apps better than your default - and they're all free


    - Who pays the cost of progress in software?


    - Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers


    - Progress Report: Linux 6.14


    - Kumander Linux: A Windows 7 Nostalgia Trip


    - New GNU Boot 0.1 RC6 release


    - Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and More


    - Security and Windows TCO


    - Red Hat, Ubuntu, and More


    - GNU Linux-Libre 6.14 Kernel Released for Those Seeking 100% Freedom for Their PCs


    - SOMDEVICES б╣SMARC RZ/V2N system-on-module packs Renesas RZ/V2N MPU in a 82x30mm Б─°micro SMARCБ─² form factor

    Группа: Блог планеты

    - gnuboot @ Savannah: New GNU Boot 0.1 RC6 release.


    - FSF News: GNU Head, Stallman's katana, and Internet Hall of Fame medal auctioned off to free software community memb

    Группа: Обновление ПО

    - 03/24 gimp 3.0.2


    - 03/24 linux 6.14


    - 03/24 tor


    - 03/25 firefox 136.0.3

    Группа: Top sites

    - Plucky Puffin (to be 25.04) Beta Freeze

    - Linux Kernel 6.14 Officially Released

    - Distribution Release: Emmabuntus DE5-1.04

    - Intel's AVX10.2 Patches Merged For GCC 15 To Drop 256-bit Rounding & AVX10.2-256 Options


    - Linux 6.14 Released With Working NTSYNC Driver, AMD Ryzen AI Accelerator Support


    - AMD Lands LLVM Flang Fortran Runtime Support For Compiling Directly On The GPU


    - New FWCTL Subsystem Submitted For Linux 6.15


    - Btrfs Adding Fast/Realtime Zstd Compression & Other Performance Optimizations


    - Bcachefs Aims For "Soft Frozen" On-Disk Format With Linux 6.15 Along With New Features


    - GIMP 3.0.2 Released To Fix Early Bugs From GIMP 3.0


    - GRUB Bootloader Received 73 Patches To Fix A Variety Of Recent Security Issues


    - GNU Linux-libre 6.14-gnu Deals With New Firmware Blobs From AMDXDNA & Other Drivers


    - Flowblade 2.20 Open-Source Video Editor Leveraging SDL2, Other Improvements


    - AMD INVLPGB Merged For Linux 6.15 To Provide Another Performance Advantage


    - GCC & LLVM Clang Merge Support For The NVIDIA Olympus Cores With The Vera CPU


    - F2FS Sees Nice Set Of Enhancements For Linux 6.15


    - Intel Engineer Posts Cache-Aware Load Balancing For Linux - May Be Very Useful For AMD

    - The seL4 microkernel: an introduction


    - Playing multimedia with Dillo

    - The 6.14 kernel is out


    - [$] Development statistics for 6.14

    Группа: Русскоязычные системы

    - Hyprland 0.48.0


    - Linux 6.14


    - Релиз ядра Linux 6.14


    - WindowsDefender блокирует свободный драйвер WinRing0, используемый в официальном OEM-ПО


    - Разработчики GRUB2 рассматривают возможность использования языка Rust


    - Уязвимости в ingress-nginx, позволяющие выполнить код и захватить управление кластерами Kubernetes

    OpenNews mini

    - Выпуск игры The Dark Mod 2.13, созданной по мотивам Thief


    - Выпуск Wayland-Protocols 1.42


    - Выпуск композитного сервера Hyprland 0.48


    - Доступен полностью свободный вариант ядра Linux-libre 6.14


    - Корректирующее обновление графического редактора GIMP 3.0.2

    Группа: Безопасность

    - Debian LTS: DLA-4089-1: libxslt Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:0989-1 moderate: u-boot Advisory Security Update


    - SUSE: 2025:0988-1 important: zvbi Security Advisory Updates


    - Embracing Rust in Chrome for Enhanced Security and Stability


    - Anatomy of Linux Ransomware Attacks and Protection Strategies


    - Ubuntu 7367-1: zvbi Security Advisory Updates


    - Mageia 2025-0112: kernel-linus Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:14917-1 moderate: nodejs-electron-33.4.6-1.1 Advisory Security Update


    - Mageia 2025-0111: kernel, kmod-virtualbox & kmod-xtables-addons Security Advisory Updates


    - Mageia 2025-0113: wpa_supplicant & hostapd Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:0103-1 moderate: cadvisor Advisory Security Update


    - Fedora 40: python-jinja2 2025-8b6aa24ab4 Security Advisory Updates


    - Ubuntu 7369-1: elfutils Security Advisory Updates


    - Ubuntu 7370-1: SmartDNS Security Advisory Updates


    - Fedora 41: golang-github-openprinting-ipp-usb 2025-73800111e8 Security Advisory Updates


    - Stored XSS via Send Message Functionality - dolphin.prov7.4.2


    - SQL Injection in Admin Functionality - dolphin.prov7.4.2

    Группа: blog_mix

    - Поиск бэкдоров

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