вот нарыл
root@server /usr/ports/graphics/utah-glx/#less /usr/ports/games/linux-q3ademo/pkg-descr
This is the Linux version the Quake III Arena demo
from id Software / Loki Software
It features single and multi player gaming.
Note that the graphics performance is typically bound by your
OpenGL driver.
Tested with:
o FreeBSD5.0-CURRENT, AMD K7-700, GeForce DDR, XFree86 3.3.6,
Mesa 3.2.1, Utah glx 0.9 (the rather slow hw acc driver)
results in 21.5 fps (640x480x16) for time demo 'demo001'.
Sound worked fine (SB Live).
Due to license restrictions, this package must be manually downloaded
from the Loki web site:
Вот только проблема - у меня xOrg, а он определяется софтиной как xfree-4.x и ни один из портов с glx не ставиться, грит нуна 3-ка ...
Может есть альтернатива?
root@server /usr/ports/graphics/utah-glx/#make
===> utah-glx-0.9.20010504_1 Requires XFree86 3.3.* - will not work with XFree864.*.
root@server /usr/ports/graphics/utah-glx/#cd ../linux_glx/
root@server /usr/ports/graphics/linux_glx/#make
===> linux_glx-991127 Requires XFree86 3.3.* - will not work with XFree86 4.*.
root@server /usr/ports/graphics/linux_glx/#