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Маршрутизация при помощи iproute2

06.05.2003 22:29

Вадим Фёдоров написал замечательную статью с примерами использования и кратким описанием директив iproute2. В свете особой скудности документации по iproute2, появление данной статьи особенно радует.

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Источник: linuxbegin
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Ключевые слова: route, text, ip, example
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Обсуждение (1) RSS
  • 1, PiSToN (?), 14:06, 07/05/2003 [ответить]  
  • +/
    > Hi,
    I implemented a firewall based on iptables (RH-7.3, Kernel version: Linux 2.4.18-19.7.x) and setup some bandwidth mgmt with the
    tc command.  This works fine, but I would like to get the bandwidth usage (based on the defined rules to mark them) on a per service
    graph.  I use mrtg to get bandwidth usage from our routers. That's basic stuff.Is there anyone who can tell me how I can get the info
    from iptables (I suppose via a script that reads stats from iptables -t mangle) into MRTG ?or sednmi any scripts to do that

    Thanks !
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